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Chapter 26

"Haven't I seen you before?".. "Ofcourse, not".. blared the movie at the movie theater. Ike and Cloe sat in the third row eyeing the screen and every once in awhile glancing at one another. Cloe was really comfortable sitting next to Ike, usually she was uncomfortable on first dates but this one was perfect. Ike reached over and put his palm on top of Cloe's. The two scooted over and looked into each other's eyes.. their faces moved closer and closer.."Hey Clo spot me a five.. Cassie here dropped her popcorn, and I drank all the Coke so..please, Clo?",Daniel whispered behind his seat to Cloe and Ike. Cloe reached into her pocket and gave her brother a five dollar bill. Cloe and Ike sat back in their seats and wathced the movie. "I'm sorry darling, if I had of known... please will you marry me?".."Oh Charles! Yes Yes ofcourse I will be your wife?".. Cloe and Ike looked at each other and their faces moved closer and closer together..."Thanks for coming to Tulsa Cinema 10, come back anytime for great movies!",said the recorded message over the loud speaker as the lights brightened and the credits rolled on the screen. Ike,Cloe,Cassie, and Daniel got up and left.. Cassie giggled her little ditzy laugh the whole time.~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ "So what movie do you want ot watch?",Taylor asked Krissa as she moved over and sat on the couch. "Um, I don't really care anything besides a romance.",Krissa replied. "Ok, how about, Child's Play, you know the Chuckie movie with the mom from 7th Heaven.",Taylor asked. "Yea I know what the movie is called, I saw the two sequels.. not the first though.",Krissa explained, 'Geez how dumb does he think I am?' "Where is Lia, does she want to watch? I know the other two are playing N64... but where'd she go off to?",Taylor asked as he pressed rewind on the tape recorder. "Um, she's taking a shower.",Krissa said, 'What Taylor, is that a crime or something, anyways when did you become Matlock? Wait Kris's ok..' "Ok.. the movie is starting.",Taylor said as the movie started and he grabbed a seat on the other couch. As the beginning previews came on Matti and Zac came running down the stairs. "Ha ha ha I told you I was faster!!",Matti said(not too loud). "You cheated.. I swear!",Zac replied. "No you tried to ram me into the wall.. but instead you ran into it! Kris you should have seen it.. it was HILARIOUS!",Matti said loudly. "Shhhh the littler kids are asleep!",Krissa retorted as she put her finger to her lip. "Ok, you own me a Coke bring it on!",Mattie said to Zac as they walked into the kitchen. Mattie and Zac grabbed a Coke from the fridge and came back into the family room as the movie began. "Akkk!",Zac yelled as he tripped over a Barbie doll and spilled Coke all over the couch Taylor was sitting in, although it didn't get on Taylor. "Zac you dork!",Tay yelped. "Uh-oh that's our signal to scram!",Zac told Matti as they ran upstairs. "Oh man.. joy I get to clean Zac's mess-up again.",Tay said. "Well it's in the description of being an older sibling, I guess I'll help too, it'll get done faster.",Krissa added. The two grabbed rags from the kitchen came out and cleaned the stain on the couch and went back and sat on the loveseat(a type of two person couch) to finish the movie. Taylor moved his hand on top of Krissa's and they both felt a little tingling inside. Taylor moved closer and closer and their faces moved closer and closer as they got direct eye contact and.. "Hey kid's we're home!",Walker said aloud. Jessie,Avie, and Gwen came running down the stairs with Barbies in hand, yelling "Mommy, Daddy!", and Mackie came trailing behind dragging a blanket as he yawned. "But I thought they were asleep?!",Krissa questioned Taylor. "Ha ha we fooled you Tay Tay!!",Avie said as she ran over to Taylor and praced around with a plastic crown on her head. "Yea Taylor we got you good!!",Jessie added. "It was all my idea!!",Gwen shouted as she,Jessie, and Avie did a little ring around the rosy thing. "Look's like your little Gwen did a Zac Hanson, when Zac was younger he used to do that all the time.. finally he grew out of it.",Diana said to Penny. Just then Cloe, Ike, and Daniel came walking through the door. "I told you.. she wouldn't stop giggling..I swear I was about to shoot her!",Ike complained. "And she thought the movie was science fiction..but is was a romance.. I mean.. how stupid can she be??!!",Cloe added. "Hey but she was cute.",Daniel retorted. "How sexist!",Cloe said back. "So kids how was everyone's night?",Kyle asked the group. In unison they all yelled, "Weird.."

My Superb Links

Speechless (My Hanson Story)
Chapter 27
