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Chapter 27

"Oh man.. hey what time is it Lia?",Krissa asked with a yawn as she looked over at her friend who was dressed. "Oh it's 11 am..",Lia answered as she went back to reading her book sitting on the floor. "11!! Dude, why didn't you wake me!! I mean.. geez... Where's Cloe?",Krissa asked as she streched and stood up. "Um.. downstairs.. I think.. ",Lia answered not looking-up from the novel. All of the sudden footsteps ran up the stairs to the playroom. "Ha ha Taylor beat ya!!! I am the man!!",Zac screamed as he stood at the last step and looked up. "OHMIGOD..u are up heer and I am in my pajamas!!! Akk!!",Krissa screamed and fainted as Taylor and Zac looked at each other and figured out what was going on. ~~~ Krissa looked around all was blurry but she knew she was on the floor.. "Oh Lia.. I had the weirdest dream..I woke up and I was in my pajamas and Hanson were was so.. OHMIGOD.. Taylor, Zac, Lia??!! This isn't a dream! Geezez!",Krissa said as she shot up and grabbed her back-pack and ran to the bathroom on the 2nd level. "What was he problem, I's not like she was naked or anything!",Zac said. "She's modest.. so shut-up! Now why did you guys disturb me from my Anne Rice novel and cause all this commotion?",Lia asked looking at Taylor and Zac. "Well Zac wants to go to the shops and stuff.. he needs to get we wanted to know if you guys wanted to come with Cloe,Ike,Zac and me.",Taylor explained. "Zac wanted me to come?! What happened to the real ZAC???",Lia shouted and shook Zac. "Um he's on vacation.. You know the Bermuda Triangle.. ",Zac said. "Oh I thought he died, dang!",Lia snapped her fingers. ~~~"God I made a fool out of myself.. it wasn't like I was naked or something.. I just didn't want Taylor to.. what did I just say.. Taylor.. man.. I don't like him.. do I..oh well I better go make a bigger fool of myself",Krissa said as she left the bathroom dressed in her jean cut-offs and her black Wallflowers tank top. She went upstairs to the playroom carrying her back-pack as Taylor, Zac, and Lia watched her. "What haven't you ever seen a girl before?",Krissa asked. "Ofcourse.. I mean I live with Taylor don't I? And she's the prettiest girl I ever did see!!",Zac said as he pinched Taylor's cheecks and Taylor slapped Zac's head. "Good Point!",Krissa retorted. "Hey Kris.. you wanna go to the Tulsa shops today with Tay,Ike,Cloe, and the little girl sitting across from me?",Lia pointed to Zac. "Yea..sure.",Krissa responded. "And what a cute little girl she is!",Taylor said as he pinched Zac's cheeks. "Man.. with all these girls in here we should make a GIRLS' ONLY CLUB!",Lia said. "Yea, and Taylor can be the president..because he is soooo pretty!",Zac said. "I think I am much prettier than Taylor!",Krissa said joining in. "I think you are too!",Taylor exclaimed as everyone including Krissa silently looking at him. "Well, when are we leaving?",Krissa asked. "Um... Zac said 12 noon.. right? ",Lia asked. "Yea.",responded Zac. "Ok.. good because I am going to die if I don't get something to eat!",Krissa said as they all went downstairs into the kitchen. "..So Suzie said to "Go Eat Ham!!".. Can you believe that?",Diana said to Penny. "Oh hey sweetie, sleep well?",Penny asked Krissa as she nodded. "Oh Isaac!",Diana called to Ike who was sitting in the living room annoying his little sisters and Gwen who were playing CandyLand. "Yea mom?",Ike answered as he got up and came over. "We are going to be taking the younger ones and Matti to the park..while your father and Kyle are going golfing and I think.. Daniel.. right.. went out with some girl already.. so keep an eye on Taylor, and especially Z-A-C..",Diana said to him. "Mom I heard my name.. I can spell you know.. that stuff only works with Avie and Mackie.. I am older then them you know!",Zac yelled out. "Hey who knows maybe you are illiterate..",Lia said with a chuckle as she was kicked under the kitchen table by Zac. Krissa ate some cereal quickly because Zac kept bothering her asking if she was done YET.. and it got annoying real fast. Cloe,Krissa,Lia,Zac,Taylor and Ike squished into the Explorer and headed to the shops in downtown Tulsa. When they arrived they argued over where to go, so they buddied up, Tay and Krissa(she didn't like this pair but she didn't want to go alone), Zac and Lia, and Cloe and Ike. They all went their seperate ways in pairs. ~~~ "2 WEIRD 4 U",Tay read the sign, "I love this store has all this mystic jewelry and kewl stuff from the 50's and 60's.. the store name is perfect.. let's go in" and he grabbed Krissa's wrist and the entered the store. Krissa was amazed at the things in there.. I mean it was very gothic, yet retro, yet gypsy like. She walked over to a wall with all these funny necklaces and grabbed one with a silver chain and an Onkh on it...on the Onkh was inscribed some some heiroglyphics. "Hey look what I found isn't this kewl?",Krissa and Taylor said in unison as they both turned and noticed they were both holding up the same necklace. They laughed and put the necklaces away. Krissa went over and looked at some necklaces in a glass case. One had a necklace that was a small silver rose with a pearl on it. The one next to it was 2 necklaces.. one was a small glass heart that looked like it fit into the larger glass heart next to it.. they were both quiet small but very beautiful. A gypsy lady walked over and Krissa said she wanted to buy the small silver rose necklace .. "ahhh that one is a beauty... it is told that when that necklace falls off of the owner the person who finds it and returns it is their one true love.. but overcourse it is only a gypsy rumor..",the lady said as she rung in the price into the cash register. "Yea I just bought it because it reminded me of a friend I once had.. he wrote poetry and one was about a rose..",Krissa said as a tear filled her eye. "That will be $22.50 miss.",the gypsy said. "Why.. but that is a real pearl right?",Krissa asked as the lady nodded, "Then why is it that cheap?" "I know of your troubles and life.. I have spoken to your friend.. a fine boy he was.. just let's say that price is especially for you.",the gypsy woman said and winked. "But how could you he's.. he's..",Krissa said as she handed the lady the money.. and whispered.."gone.." .. "Hey Krissa what do you have there?",Taylor asked as they left the store and Krissa wiped a tear from her eye. "Ok..",Taylor said. Krissa took out the necklace and put it on her neck.. and said under her breath, "This is for you Justin.."

My Luscious Links

Chapter 28
