Chapter 30
"It's my BIIIRTTTHDAAAAAYY!!!! I get presents..and cake.. and presents...and pony rides..and did I mention.. PRESENTS?!",Jessie screamed from the top of her lungs as she jumped up and down on the couch. "Jessie.. don't jump on the furniture!!",Diana told her as she finished frosting the cake. "But Zac does it all the time and you never yell at him!",Jessie whined. Taylor walked down the stairs yawned and commented, "Zac is a special child, if he had a brain he'd be considered dangerous." "I HEARD THAT TAY!!!",Zac yelled from his room as he ran down the stairs and slid down the railing. "See!! Look what he did.. and HE didn't get yelled's NOT FAIR!!!",Jessie complained as she folded her arms. "It's 'cuz of my boyish good looks, cuteness, charming wit..and the luck of never getting caught.",Zac told her as he patted her shoulder. Krissa, followed by Isaac came downstairs too and sat on the couches. "Gosh.. I am tired.. Hey.. what exactly is up for today?",Krissa asked Tay, who sat to the right of her. "Well.. mom and dad ordered pony rides, some of Jessie's friends are coming.. it's your typical 'family party picnic'..",Isaac ,instead, explained. "Oh. I'm sure it's going to be fun.",Krissa said as she rolled her eyes. Tay softly said into her ear, "It'll be boring but we don't have to participate in the festivities.. we can go hang or whatever." Krissa smiled just as Tay did. "HHHHEELLLLO.. I know you have all been waiting for me.. But golly gee whiz.. You don't have to all wait!",Lia said sarcastically. "Actually the toilet's backed up and the last one down has to clean it. I guess today's your lucky day.",Zac said with humor. "Ha ha.. if you don't shut-up you're head's going to be flushed down the toilet..and that'd ruin your hair..not that it looks any better the way it is.",Lia told him snidely. Penny walked into the room and said, "Children behave, today is Jessie's Day.. ok? That means all of you.." Cloe walked in the room with the younger kids. "No wonder it was so quiet around here.. they weren't here.. you got to watch over them outside?",Isaac asked her. "Yea.. I was first one up.. of the 'older' time I'm sleeping till 10 or something!",Cloe replied. "Kids! It's time to go, the pony people are going to be there in less then an hour, and we still have to set up. Plus Jessie's friends are coming.. so let's go!",Walker told them as he carried a bag full of party favors and stuff. "LET THE FUN BEGIN!",Zac yelled. "Zac, isn't it time for you to take your medicine?",Tay asked him. "Ha ha.. SHUT-UP!!!",Zac exclaimed. "Zac.. pipe down or else you'll have to ride with me and the younger kids!",Diana repremanded. "HA HA.. ZACHY GOT CAUGHT!!",Jessie nagged as she climbed into the Hanson's van.
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Chapter 31