Afterwards Krissa came downstairs as her older brother Daniel put stickers on his skateboard and Gwen listened to her No Doubt "Beacon Street Collection" cd and played w/ Barbies as they sat at the kitchen table. "Morning Krissa.. ..Daniel for the last time get that dirty old skateboard off the table!" ,Penny yelled from upstairs. "Morning Peoples!",Krissa said in response as she walked quietly into the pantry and got a bagel out. Krissa walked over to the family room a switched on the t.v. and sat on the floor. She watched the "Cold Contagious" music video by Bush as she thought to herself,'Geez, I betcha this band doesn't watch a girl fall and leave her for dead!' She finished up her bagel and then heard a pounding at the door. As she got nearer she heard Lia's voice yelling, "OPEN UP IT'S THE POLICE!!" Krissa opened the door and saw Lia standing there innocently. "Hello Officer Terrance what can I do for you today? Come in have a few doughnuts!",Krissa said jokingly. "Very funny. So where are those flyers you told me about, I'm dying to see them!",Lia asked her friend as she walked into the kitchen and sat down next to Daniel. "Oh, I'll go get them hold on!",Lia replied as rushed upstairs to get the flyers. She grabbed her backpack from her room that was stuffed with copies of the flyers and carefully carried them downstairs. Krissa laid the heavy backpack on the kitchen table and gave both Daniel and Krissa 3 different flyers. As they both read the flyers they giggled and smiled. When Daniel ws done carefully reading the flyers he complimented Krissa as did Lia. Than Krissa yelled upstairs to Penny, "Hey mom, let's get a move on, Lia and I have..stuff to do at the mall!" "I'm ready to go when you girls are.",Penny called down as she looked in her purse for her keys. "Well then let's go!",Lia said as she marched out the door to the minivan. Krissa grabbed the backpack and followed Lia's lead. Penny said goodbye to Daniel and Gwen then left. By the time Penny had go to the car Krissa and Lia were already inside discussing their plans. As they drove away Penny reminded them she'd pick them up at 4:15.
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