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Princess Diana

Princess Diana was a pure Venusian soul. This was evident by her intense blue eyes. Diana had a beautiful heart and was always thinking about ways to help people less fortunate than herself, trying very hard to make their lives better in some small way. She felt it necessary to reach out to those who were suffering.

Diana endured a tremendous amount of emotional torment and turmoil as a result of many complex problems surrounding her loveless marriage to Prince Charles. Although she appeared on the surface to the public to "have it all", in reality she knew that she lacked the most prized treasure she had longed for throughout her adult life ... a loving husband who would remain faithful to her and cherish her forever. Charles made it quite clear on numerous occasions that he was no longer romantically interested in his wife, and it was a direct result of his intense rejection of her numerous pleas for permanent reconciliation which prompted Diana to turn to other men in desperation, hoping to find the loving relationship she so desired!

The last few months of Diana's life were spent with the man who finally fulfilled Diana's hopes and desires for true love ... her fiance, Dodi Al Fayed. Dodi adored Diana and wanted her more than Charles ever did or could. For once in her life, Diana could feel the deep affection she had always yearned for! It now seemed as though Diana had finally found her real "prince charming", but a horrible tragedy occurred which cut short the lives of these two lovers, whose souls are still linked together, even now on the outer causal planes, where they currently reside. Their love was so pure and so strong that not even death itself could separate them!

On August 31, 1997, Princess Diana, her fiance Dodi Al Fayed, their driver Henri Paul, and Diana's personal bodyguard, Trevor Rees-Jones, were involved in a fatal automobile "accident", arranged by the father of Dodi Al Fayed, Mohammed Al Fayed, who deeply resented the passionate relationship developing between his son and Princess Diana. His greatest fear was that Dodi would completely renounce his Muslim heritage, convert to Diana's faith, and eventually relocate to the United States as his permanent residence with his pregnant bride.

The incident was staged in Paris, and the murders carried out by two French assasins already on the payroll of Mohammed Al Fayed. Diana was shot on the right side of her neck, just behind her ear. The driver, Henri Paul, was the next victim, and was shot in his right temple. Diana's bodyguard, Trevor Rees-Jones, finally realized that shots had been fired and drew his weapon. He managed to hit one of the assasins on his shoulder, barely knicking him before both of them sped off on motorcycles. Both assasins have long since left France and are living underground.

According to Mohammed Al Fayed's maniacal plan, Dodi was not supposed to be injured, and certainly not killed, but he nonetheless suffered a fatal blow from the impact, when the Mercedes sedan careened into the guardrails inside the tunnel!

If Princess Diana's or Henri Paul's body were to be exhumed and carefully examined by a doctor NOT on Mohammed Al Fayed's bribe list, the entrance wounds on both victims would be discovered. There was so much glass and miscellaneous debris on their faces that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to notice that they had been shot! The assasins knew this would further conceal their evil deed, but the Truth is that those tiny wounds are there nonetheless! They were made from a compact machine gun which could be steadied and fired with one hand.

The sole survivor of the fatal tragedy, Trevor Rees-Jones, is the only remaining key witness to the Truth and is heavily guarded by the British police, as they are hoping that he will eventually be able to shed more light on the sequence of events.

Mr. Rees-Jones was not supposed to survive, and has already had part of his memory erased via an injection of a chemical substance by yet another assasin
on Mohammed Al Fayed's bloody payroll, who managed to get past the guards in front of Mr. Rees-Jones hospital room in Paris, disguised as a doctor! He injected the near-lethal substance through the IV tube already present in Mr. Rees-Jones arm in order to avoid the risk of making an abnormal puncture on his bruised body.

If and when Trevor Rees-Jones regains even a "flash" of his memory to recall any of the details of this chilling assassination, do not be surprised to read in the papers that Mr. Rees-Jones has "suddenly taken a turn for the worse" and suffered either a severe heart attack or some other "unexpected", life-threatening "complication" which will ultimately claim his life! He will most likely not survive long enough to fully disclose the True account of this incident, which was cleverly disguised as an unprovoked attack by the paparazzi on Princess Diana's privacy.

*****UPDATED INFORMATION - 3/2/98*****

As many of you may have heard by now, Trevor Rees-Jones has allegedly begun to "recall" some of the specific events during the horrible crash on August 31, 1997. What you are NOT hearing in these reports is the hidden story that the psychiatrists who are currently working with Mr. Rees-Jones to supposedly help him to regain his memory, are in fact the very ones who are still on the payroll of Mohammed Al Fayed!

They are NOT helping Trevor Rees-Jones to remember the Truth as it actually occurred, but rather, are BRAINWASHING him into recalling EXACTLY what they want him to remember, and HOW they want him to remember it via a combination of hypnosis and medication. They are also instructing him about disclosing this disinformation to the British and French authorities! Isn't it strange that none other than Mohammed Al Fayed himself not only decided to give Trevor Rees-Jones his job back as a security agent, but also happens to be the person paying for ALL of Mr. Rees-Jones medical bills, as well as his psychiatric evaluations!

What better place to keep the ONE person who could instrumentally succeed in bringing the Truth to Light about the murders which Mr. Al Fayed propagated than right in front of him as a member of his security staff? Think about it! Mr. Al Fayed has apparently thought that he has left no stone overturned, although the Truth will come out as Mr. Rees-Jones may inadvertently disclose important information to the authorities BEFORE Mohammed Al Fayed's team of doctors can erase the memory of the incident in its entirety! I will continue to update.

This account was transmitted to me in deep meditation by one of the guides who watched over Princess Diana, with the hope that Light and Truth will prevail and that all those responsible for her murder will be apprehended and prosecuted.


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