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All of the material in this section was transmitted directly to me over many hours of channeled communications from my alien guides, who express Higher Truth.

Although some of you may consider what is contained within this site to be very farfetched, and difficult if not impossible to accept, all that I ask is for you to try
to approach the articles with an open mind. Your Truth, based upon your sincere
desire for spiritual advancement, will unfold and ultimately prevail in your heart.


ALL ideas and theories as represented in this conspiracy section are solely and exclusively my own material. Copying in any form, publication or distribution of ANY of this information without the PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT from Alien Counsel is strictly forbidden and prohibited as provided for in copyright statutes.

This site is still under MAJOR construction, but for now, here is a partial list of the links to the articles I have written. Come back again to visit, as I will be developing an Alien Celebrities page, and devote this page more to "controversial" alien issues as they continue to affect the ongoing battles for control of this floundering planet! Thank you for your interest. Considerate comments about this site are encouraged. E-mail your ideas for future alien-related topics, and I will try to accommodate you!

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Alien Races

Princess Diana

Chris Farley

Elizabeth Taylor

President Clinton

Tracy Lawrence

Farrah Fawcett

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