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Tracy Lawrence

Tracy Lawrence is another pure Venusian soul. He is a very strong person and has had more than his share of physical and emotional problems. Tracy has always had a big heart. He is instinctively a very protective person, especially whenever it comes to his family members and close friends.

In 1995, Tracy was the victim of a shooting from a bank robbery. He was almost killed, as one of the bullets missed piercing his heart by only a few centimeters! Tracy was shot four times, as he tried to protect his friend from harm. He fully intended to sacrifice his own life to safeguard his friend's! To this day, he still has tremendous hip pain from one of the entrance wounds, but he never complains.

When it comes to love, Tracy tends to pull Saturnian and Martian women toward him. His first marriage to Frances failed, because her destructive and deceptive Saturnian personality made Tracy believe that she wanted all of the same things out of their marriage that he did, which was a major misconception on his part! Their marriage did not work out and they divorced within less than two years.

Tracy's second marriage to Stacie was also a critical mistake in his personal life! Stacie's recent allegations toward Tracy have proven that she is truly a vile, heartless, and conniving Martian soul! In typical Martian fashion, she projects an immensely appealing "image" to others as that of a sweet and loving woman. Tracy fell very hard for this egomaniac's plan to coerce him into making a commitment to her! They had numerous arguments throughout their tumultuous relationship, and in spite all of the signs to the contrary, they entered into the union of marriage during April of 1997.

Stacie is a VERY self-centered Martian female, who always looks out for her own personal interests. She could care less about anyone else's concerns, especially someone as generous and self-sacrificing a soul as Tracy! She decided that she did not want to give Tracy a baby after she assured him that she wanted nothing more than a child with her husband, because she felt that she looked too good to ruin her figure by becoming pregnant! She thought Tracy was gullible enough to believe her and go along with whatever last-minute desicions she felt like making.

Contrary to all of the conflicting reports that were spread by the media after Tracy and Stacie had officially separated, it was Stacie and NOT Tracy who had been abusive! When Tracy was interviewed on CMT, he used this story to explain how Stacie instigated his physical outburst ... "If you keep a dog chained up outside in your yard, and EVERY time you walk by that dog you kick him, pretty soon that dog is going to get so angry that he's going to break that chain and bite you!" This was Tracy's polite manner of explaining ALL of the circumstances that led up to him being charged with a misdemeanor assault charge and fined $500.00 in a Las Vegas, Nevada courtroom.

When Tracy finally realized that Stacie had married him SOLELY for his money so she could try to make a "name" for herself by starring in an ill-conceived exercise video, he starting pushing her away, letting her know that he felt deceived and therefore, wanted out of their sham of a marriage immediately!

When Stacie realized that it was indeed over, she became both physically and emotionally abusive to Tracy and began spreading rumors about Tracy being an alcoholic, chronic gambler, and wife-beater to try to destroy his professional career in country music as a last -ditch attempt to "strike a financial deal" with him through this ridiculous blackmail scheme!

Tracy Lawrence picked himself up from all of these false accusations and heresay and proved that he is truly a strong and powerful Venusian warrior simply by continuing to be the kindhearted soul the public has always known him to be, and by refusing to feed into Stacie's rants and ravings, which ultimately made her look deceitful!

Stacie's reprehensible behavior proved that she is without a doubt, a Martian entity to the core! She is obviously NOT the "beautiful" person in the "perfect package" that she so desperately wants to communicate to the public!

Tracy has made many mistakes in the love arena, but I feel certain that he has finally vowed to himself that he will no longer fall for just the pretty exterior of the next woman in his future, but will make certain that he is truly seeing the complete personality that he has found appealing, to protect himself from further turmoil.

Tracy Lawrence is a hard-working professional musician who would give anyone the shirt off of his back. He has always contributed his time and money to a variety of fine charitable organizations, trying to help less fortunate people in any way that he could. He is an immensely talented musician, singer, songwriter, and producer and he will continue to have a successful country music career for however long he so chooses.

It was Tracy's Venusian heritage which prompted him to create the unique "time travel" sequence shots in his country music videos! No other artist in ANY other musical style has ever done this! This leap into the next video trademark has become Tracy's personal signature for his devoted fans, and he may not be completely aware that it is emanating from deep within his Venusian soul!

If you have never taken the "time" to listen to Tracy Lawrence's music, you should try to purchase his latest creation entitled "The Coast Is Clear". Many of the lyrics on this CD have a spiritually cleansing effect on its performer, as he expresses his higher Venusian self throughout this powerful production.


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