Emily Dickenson

(Pic's on the fritz, I'll fix it soon.)

Rarely does one see such an admirable fear of strangers and the outside world.

Emily (real name Elizabeth) Dickinson was born on December 10, 1830 in Boston MA. Her parents, Edward and Emily Norcross Dickinson raised Emily and her siblings (Lavinia and Austin) in a Christian household, founded in her father's puritanical beleifs, many of which Emily came to disagree with later in life. Her father, fearing her spiritual independence, began censoring the books his daughter read. This turmoil later fueled some of her most passionate poems:

Emily lead a private life, in the most extreme sense, rarely leaving her father's house after completing her education at Amherst Academy and the South Hadley Female Seminary (currently Mount Holyoke College). In all her life, Emily left home only a few times; once for a trip to Washington, once for a trip to Philadelphia (to see an optician), and a several times for a trip to Boston.

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