Hunter S. Thompson

Providing cartoonists with more material than Newt Gingrich and George Lucas combined.

Doctor Hunter S. Thompson was born on July 18, 1939* In Louisville, Ky.. After a crime-filled youth, he joined the Air Force as a condition of his 1956 parole. In the Air Force, HST got his first writing job as sports writer until his 1958, when he left the Air Force. In 1959 through 1960, HST worked for the New York Herald Tribune as Carribean correspondent, and then worked as South American correspondent for National Observer from 1961 to 1963. In 1970, he ran for sherif of Pitkin County on the Freak Power ticket; however, he lost the race to the incumbent. it was during this time (in 1969 through 1974) when he worked as the Rolling Stone national affairs editor, that he perfected his so-called "Gonzo" journalism. This writing style is the highly sarcastic, self-indulgent, ironic style written while under influence of alcohol, drugs, or sleep deprivation. It describes what he sees through haze of rage and delusion and was immensely popular and remains (perhaps even more) so today.

*There are many claims that HST was born in 1937, but most say 1939, sorry, but I really don't know, so I'm just going with the majority... why not go to the suggested links and decide for yourself?

Writings include:
Hell's Angels (1966)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1972)
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail (1973)
The Great Shark Hunt (1979)
The Curse of Lono (1983)
Generation of Swine (1988)
Silk Road (1990)
Song of the Doomed (1991)


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