Monday, September 04

Okay, we got a whole lotta new images coming soon. Mostly page logos (Like the new "What's New" at the top of this page) and also more eye candy, like the lovely new link gif, used as a seperator on this page. Constructing new and inventive ways to delay download time is work too, you know.

Wednesday, August 23

> Hello! I've been away recently, but I still care, honest! I added a new sound file (you heard it on the way in, hit reload to hear it again). Also adopted a new work ethic, let other people do it! Check out the new article on the main page for more on the subject.

Monday, July 3

New link to online shopping through my cell.

Sunday, June 18

Updated main page. Go on, see it.

Tuesday, May 16

My ecard site is back up and better than ever, plus I just broke the 1000 mark on the counter (visit main page to see). Congradulations to Dipple for being the 1000th visitor, your prize is in the mail (it's a priceless invisible gem). Also a new addition to the guest book, bless ye, Dipple!!!

Friday, May 12, 2000

Sorry for not updating in a while, My postcard site is out of commission for the time being (I'm working on getting it back up, but it might take a while, my account was wiped clean)! However, you may take solace in the new intro to the main page.

Wednesday, April 19, 2000

Added a bio for Hunter S. Thompson (yes, I know he's not dead yet) to the Written Word section. Also updated the article on my main page. Hey, twice within a year ain't bad (for me, anyway).

Thursday, April 13, 2000

Just a quick one, added my own banner and source code to my links page. Feel free to use it, just let me know so that I can put up a link to yours in return... it's only fair, after all.

Monday, March 13, 2000

Updated main page. Check it out. (I was getting SO tired of the other introduction...) Also added new picture to my Photo Album-it seems to be amoung my most popular sites, so check it out!

Tuesday, March 7, 2000

Added new graphic and links. Now hopefully I'll be getting more feedback (hint hint).

Wednesday, March 1, 2000

I added two new webrings (hopefully they'll both accept me)... links to both rings can be found on the main page. I also added two new e-cards and a cool script to the start page...
All work and no play make Vega a dull boy. All work and no play make Vega a dull boy. All work and no play make Vega a dull boy. All work and no play make Vega a dull boy.

Tuesday, February 22, 2000

Okay, not too much to report today, but I have added a new link and this neat-o graphic directly below this paragraph. More updates to come soon... as soon as I can work out the script required.

I'm doing my f*#$ing best, OKAY???

Friday, February 11, 2000

What's new? Well, this section for one thing. Also, I've added "next" and "previous" buttons to the bottom of each patient's cell for easier surfing. Then try the new post card.
I think that's about it for now. Until next time!