Questions and Answers

Angelfire Help]

  1. Can I change my directory's name?
  2. Can I use an editor other than the one on line?
  3. Can I go back to the basic editor?
  4. How can I start a new line or paragraph in my page?
  5. How do I post a file for my guest to download?
  6. I Submitted my page, but the changes didn't show at my site ?
  7. What are Copy and Paste, will they help me here?
  8. What types of files does angelfire support?



   Can I change my directory's name?
Yes you can, but it is a long process:

  1. Save your page or pages and images to your hard drive. Use your Save As option or use FTP
  2. Use a new e-mail address to register for a site with the new directory.
  3. Log in using your new ID and password .
  4. Upload, or copy and paste your pages and images from your hard drive to your new directory using FTP


  1. Sign up for the new page. You may have to click on the log out first.
  2. Transload all the files from the old site to the new one.
  3. Delete the old site.



   Can I use an editor other than the one on line?

   Yes, you can. As long the extension is html or htm. You can upload the page to your directory. ( Make sure that the top page name is index.html ) You can use the composer that comes with Netscape or the front page express that comes with IE. You can use Notepad that comes with Windows.

   To upload from the editor to the directory in angelfire you may need this

   Host address :

   Your ID and password to angelfire.



   How can I start a new line or paragraph in my page?

   Use <BR> it is the same as hitting your enter key once. Use <P> to have the same effect as hitting the enter key twice. You can use several <BR> s or <P> s together to get larger spaces on your page. Neither of these tags need to be closed using either </P> or </BR>



   I Submitted my page, but the changes didn't show at my site ?

   After leaving your editor and going to your page, it's often necessary to use your browser Reload/Refresh button to see the changes you've made. Also while you are at the page Press Ctrl and R at the same time



   What are Copy and Paste, will they help me here?

   Copy and Paste are the best way to transfer text from place to place, as there is little chance for errors to occur. As with everything Windows can do, there are several ways to use Copy and Paste.

   First it's necessary to Highlight the text you want to transfer. Highlighting is done by holding down the left mouse button and dragging across the text.

   To Copy of the Highlighted text, press the Ctrl and hit C keys at the same time. Another way to grab the highlighted text is to right click on it, a menu will open with Copy as an option.

   To Paste your text somewhere else, left click where you want the text, then press the Ctrl and hit V. Again, the right mouse button can be used to Paste.

   Most browsers have an Edit button on their top, this button will also allow you to control Copy and Paste from it's drop down menu. You also have the option to Select All from the Edit menu or Ctrl and A. When you use your browser View Source to see the HTML making a page, you can use Copy there also. However, you will need to use the arrow keys on your keyboard to scroll the page during highlighting.



   What types of files does angelfire support?

   Angelfire can accept HTML, TXT, CSS, GIF, JPG, MID, WAV, RA, RAM, RPM, JS, DCR, PDF, MAP, CLASS and ZIP files at this time! Note that ZIP files cannot be unzipped once uploaded, they are intended for convenient downloads from your pages.



   How do I post a file for my guest to download?

   You need to upload it to your directory as a .zip file, then post it as a file like this:

   If your zip files are on the first level with index.html file:
<a href=""> download name zip</a>

   If you create a subdirectory for the zip files in the name of zipfiles.
<a href="zipfiles/"> download name zip </a>



   Can I go back to the basic editor?

   Before converting the page you will be given a chance to save the page in basic to your hard drive and if you don't like the advance editor you can just upload the saved basic page to your directory. The page would be the same as it was when you saved it.


  1. Create a new page, name it anything but not index.html.
  2. Copy and paste the info. you need from the advanced page to the new page in basic.
  3. Use Submit page to save your new page. At your web shell, highlight  the new page, click on Rename file button, in the text box type index.html and save.



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