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Kaydet Girls
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Click hereMilit@ry »'s very own military site search engine. Features links of official PMA websites, AFP homepages and online works of femmes and PMA enthusiasts.'s Military Search Engine is powered by

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Go Philippines!

« Philippine Military Academy Websites »

Philippine Military Academy Website - be a PMA cadet and be the best you can be!

The PMA Alumni Association - a five star PMA Website by the PMA Web Development Team

The PMA Homepage - created & maintained by Col. Juny Pilapil La Putt, Phil. Army (Ret)

The Corps Mag - PMA's official web magazine

Delta 99 - PMA Masikhay Class of 1999 Delta Bulldogs' Online Barracks

Maalab '93 - Home of young and idealistic Filipinos willing to live and die for the DEMOCRACY and FREEDOM of their motherland the PHILIPPINES.

Bantaylaya '94 - PMA Bantaylaya Class of 1994 Official Website

Kalasag-Lahi '97 - PMA Kalasag-Lahi Class of 1997 Official Website

Masikhay '99 - PMA Masikhay Class of 1999 Official Website

« Armed Forces of the Philippines Websites »

Armed Forces of the Philippines - AFP's general headquarters

Philippine Marines - site of the Gallant Warriors from the Sea

Philippine Navy - Official Website of the Naval Forces of the Philippines

Philippine Navy - Learn about the history of the Philippine Navy

Philippine Navy Electronic Procurement System - Electronic Procurement System and the Philippine Navy Logistics

Philippine Air Force - under construction

Philippine Army - Official site of the Phlippine Army

Philippine Army Site - "It's the Army's culture that a man of courage is valued above all"

A PAF Site - target this hp by Winston S. Domingo

Scout Rangers - an online tribute to the elite Scout Rangers

« Femmes Websites »

Femmes Unlimited - "Femmes rule, boys drool!"

The Port of Navy Femmes - a rendevouz for Navy femmes and friends by oliv_oyl99

The Barracks - Philippine Army's Lighter Side of Life by Racz14

« Kaydet Girls' Personal Websites »

Huggablefemme's Personal Website - Huggablefemme's virtual haus

The Story of Us by pink_chinellas

Gray Notes Online - another PMA informative site by racz14

The Flygirl's Hive by psa_jl

The Slip Rizzo Website by ilys_ro

Send your url and a description of your femmes or military oriented site to

barracks  :  kg 101  :  in the mail  :  k coy  :  milit@ry  :  log book


All matters contained in this site are purely those of the individual authors and do not reflect
views and opinions of the Cadet Corps Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine Military Academy.