You Were Wondering Why...
Hello, my name is Ben Stoehr, and right now you are probably thinking, "What ever possessed this guy to put up this strange yet odly alluring website."
The simplest answer would be boredom. A bit more complex answer would be this story...
Well, one day I was surfing around and did a search on something or other. I happened upon
a very odd page. There was nothing there that had anything to do with the
search. All it had was a list of groceries and a few links. One of these was
to Angelfire. It had been a long night and I was ready to go to sleep, but something
about this Angelfire drew me in. I had from time to time thought of putting
up a web page, but never thought of putting the time and effort into find a good
place to put it. But here it was, a place were I could put up a page for free,
and it had an easy interface even I could understand. Well, here we are today,
the two of us, me and you, all alone, in the dark, at my site, reading my writing.
I have grown a bit weary of Angelfire. The 2MB alowed to me is annoying. And
there is a problem I am having with uploading pics (which explains why there
are so few of them). Anyways... if you are still wondering why about something,
just e-mail me and I'll try to clarify things.
Angelfire rules. Now 5MB are allowed. I have the option of turning off the commercial pop-up (something I as a socialist cannot condone). I don't have that opition on my geocities page. The interface is also a lot more comfortable to use than geocitie's and angelfire's pic catalog rules too. So, all of you who have been telling me to change because of the discontent voiced above, you can stop now. Thank you (although the cencorship thing still sucks)
Alright, Angelfire sucks again, but I'm too lazy to move it. Later
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