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My Happy Hell

"I am a loser geek, crazy with an evil streak."

Welcome to my web page. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villiany on the net, you best be cautious. This will one day be the place which will set off the golden age of web pagery. For now, just enjoy the little bit that I have put up already. Sign my guestbook if you like.

To my music review page.
To my Everclear page
Monty Python!
My Top Ten lists
You were wondering why...
One Night's Musings
To my Guitar Player Hall Of Fame
To my Personal Info page
To the Song Of The Week
To the Tre Wingo page
Finally!!! For all of you who have requested it, my pic has arrived!!!
My school's webpage

Last update: 03/18/02
03/18/02... It has recently occured to me that some people I may or may not know might visit this page and think that I am a complete jack ass because of the content present here. So I figured I'd put down this disclaimer (which nobody will probably read) that a lot of this content is very outdated. A large amount of the stuff on this webpage was authored by me in high school or my freshman year of college. I have changed tremendously since then so please don't judge me by the content on this page. That being said, I feel it is important to keep this page up as a reminder to myself of where I once was and what I need to do to avoid going there again. So anyway, enjoy what is here and please try to take it in the context that it was originally written in.
05/04/01... A new one night's musing.
02/22/01... Song of the moment and Everclear page and whatever else I feel like doing.
06/03/00... Updated the guitar hall of fame and did a One Night's Musing
Officially I did a bit of updating at the Tre Wingo page, unofficially, check out this page to see the real work I've been doing.

If you find a problem in my page (bad link, bad pic) please contact me. (see e-mail at bottom of page)

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Thanks to Kelchen

Thanks Stephanie

Disclaimer: I don't think there is anything on this site that is copywrited or that I am illegally displaying anything. If there is any material on this site which belongs to anybody it is their's and I will remove it if they like. I hope this disclaimer is sufficient to keep them all from kicking my ass.
