he says he wants to live the kind of life that will make the folks back home all bitch and whine

9:30 Club on July 5th

I'm just cutting and pasting wut I wrote to a friend so it might sound kinda weird, but I'm too lazy to write it all again..cuz I already wrote it about 4 million times >=op hehe. Okee well enjoy!!

Note:This can be very confusing..questions, Email me

JEEZUS! THAT CONCERT KICKED SOO MUCH ASS!! Hehe I didnt get to go on stage like last time but still...Craig, the bassist with the nice ass , hehe, he kept looking at me and sticking his tongue out at me in the Kiss kinda way..and it was cool. when there wuz no muzik I screamed CRAIG I LOVE YOU and he looked at me and nodded..he did that a lot to me throughout the concert..I was right up against the barrier the whole itme till the second to last song cuz I couldnt breathe..but anyways, Then the touring guitarist Davey kept looking at me a lot and goofing around..like when he saw me look at him he made funny faces, and like in that part of I Will Buy U A New Life , when it said Way Up In The West Hills, he looked up like he was lookingat a hill..it wass soooo cute! And I asked him for a pic between songs, and he handed me one!!! And He smiled at me a lot, and Dallas said he said hi to us a lot..hehe it was soooooooooooo cute! Oh oh, and Art, the lead singer if u didnt know! well my friend who I *met* there (*met* is like that cuz we figured out we knew eachother online a while ago and talked about the wallflwoers and evrclear before) had a sunflower pen to give Art cuz he luvs Sunflowers..and anyways, we were between Art and Davey and she was waving the pen at him..he saw it and she blew him a kiss and he smiled and then I told her to throw it up there when he catches her eye again, and when she did,, a couple songs later he said it was pretty and asked if he could keep it, so of course we both screamed(me attempting ot be part of it cuz I'm just cool like that) Yeah its urs..and then he carried it around in his mouth and she got some pictures of that! and she's getting some of them for me..and some reallly nice pictures of Craig for me! hehe..It was soo cool though!
