he says he wants to live the kind of life that will make the folks back home all bitch and whine

Everclear Concert Pics

Hey these are some pics my friend Janet took at the concert I went to with her at the 9:30 Club in DC on July 5th. She was right next to me so these are really good. Most the pics are of Art cuz she luves Art to death.

Also don't steal my pics. If you'd like to use them on a webpage or for personal use please email me and i'd be happy to send you them .

The sunflower pen that is in his mouth Janet threw to him after getting his attention.. Then he asked her about if he could keep it and she said its for you, and then he was like thanks, and walked around the stage with it in his mouth then placed it neatly on the stage next to his water.

I want to thank Dallas for coming to that concert with me and Emily for kicking ass there and being so cool there..hehe:)
