he says he wants to live the kind of life that will make the folks back home all bitch and whine

HFStival '99 Review

If you haven't heard already, the show was bad. Let me give some background information about the concert before Everclear went on. I started off in the pit and my skirt fell off in teh pit, when i got out, I was skirtless, I had to go get a skirt. At the gate before the show started, they wouldnt let me bring in my big Happy Birthday Craig Sign. Thanks Alex for letting me use the one you made!

At the show, I met up with Zsavier, Kate, Emily, and Alex. I was able to meet with Art again after borrowing someone's backstage pass. I ran up to him and handed him a box I made him(which was crushed in the pit) That had letters, drawings, and random things that I thought everclear might like. Like a Gene Simmons Beanie Baby, a glowing headband, sunflower inscence and paper, a mad magazine from 1957, and some more stuff. I also gave Art a White Trash bunnY(thanks Kate for the idea) and got 2 pics with him. I saw the show, it wasnt good. They played El Distoro Del Melodica, Amphetamine, California King, Strawberry, I Will Buy You A New Life, Everything to Everyone, Santa Monica, and then Father Of Mine...Of course they left out the part in CK when Art goes DAVEY! And then davey does his solo..and they didn't go on about the D note thing before Father Of Mine. And they werent allowed to play Local God because HFS wouldn't let them have people come onstage. And the whole time, some big girl(I say that in the nicest way) wasb yelling at me about how I almost hit her daughter(who was up against the barrier) on the head. And these 2 chicks behind her were like We'll Kick Your ASs!! And she was screaming If You Hit My Daughter On The Head Again I'll F*cking Kick Your Puny Little Ass Bitch!! and during the show she was pushing her elbow into my back just to hurt me.
So that wasn't cool. And Brian Lehfeldt wasn't even there. Luckily afterwards I got to talk to Greg and Art. Art thanked me for the box and said he still has the notebook from the July 17th show. And Greg was being the sweetest guy ever like usual. I got his autograph on paper and on my arm:) So Everclear was super sweet like usual. Too bad I didnt get to see Craig though cuz I had presents for his birthday to give him. I shall get another chance, I am destined to. Well that was the Everclear part of the show. The rest of the concert was interesting.

Check out the pictures Here
