he says he wants to live the kind of life that will make the folks back home all bitch and whine

Everclear Concerts

I'm a big fan of the Everclear concerts, not only cuz I dig Everclear a lot, also that they put on a great show in general. They pump up the audience at the beginning by jumping right into a song. Then they talk for a bit, making us chant for more..then they leave the stage, saying goodbye...then come back with So Much For The Afterglow, then they go into Local God which allows the audience members Art chooses, to go onstage and dance with them(I did that 2 times). Also, they like to communicate with the audience..talking to them, taunting them..grr..hehe. Then they end it after a cover of Sin City...Cool show huh? See 3 of the 4 Everclear concert I've been to's reviews.

Everclear @ the 9:30 Club in Washington DC July 5th, 1999
Everclear on the Coke Card tour at Bohager's in Baltimore July 17th, 1999
HFStival 1999:Fall Edition, September 25th, 1999 at RFK Stadium



The Everclear Banner Exchange
The Everclear Banner Exchange