he says he wants to live the kind of life that will make the folks back home all bitch and whine

The Best Concert

This was the best concert ever. It was in Bohager's in Baltimore. I brought along a book I made out of a notebook, with pictures I drew and some letters I wrote to them.I also brought a cute bracelet to give to Craig, it was black leather with silver beadish type things on it.(btw, no cameras were allowed there at all...they took them if they saw you had it) Anyways, Bohager's told my mom that the doors opened at 3, but when my dad and I got there they said 5. We got there at around 1, and waited until 3 then they let us in..but before we went it we saw Art and Greg walk into Bohager's and we saw the sound check. When we went in I got an Everclear shirt and some free stuff..We waited at right up against the stage for a couple hours, then Show Off, a really good punk band came on. They played a couple songs and I was able to get a pick. Then after that, Citizen King came on..of course I was soo hyped up to see Everclear I was shaking soo badly and then the lead singer from CK said ," Whoever makes some noise gets an autograph" so everyone screamed, but I didnt very loudly.. then he pointed the microphone to me and looked at me and said "Hey you didn't say anything, so you don't get an autograph" and all these people I befriended there were screaming YEAH LAUREN! and stuff...okee well anyways...after Citizen King, they were setting up the stage.. I saw Craig behind the fence, screamed, then scared him off..Brian the extra percussionist was helping set up too. Well okee Everclear came on, me being their biggest fan , started to shake all over and cry. As the concert continued Craig, Art, Brian, and Greg looked at me a lot!! hehe.. And as Craig came over in front of me I waved my bracelet and he signaled me to throw it up! So I did and he got it and wore it for the rest of the night!!!!!! Wowza! Also I waved the book at Art and he came over and took it and said,"Is this for me?" into the mic(he always talks into there) and I said"It's for all of you, all of everclear." he skimmed through it and said " well what's you name?" I said "Lauren" and he said into the mic" Look what Lauren just gave me! It's a book she made for us." and he flipped through it and held up the picture I drew of the Cat in the Hat and he said" Look here's a drawing of the Cat in the Hat"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was soo cool! I started to cry again!!! haha I'm such a loser, anyways. Art, Craig, and Davey threw me some pics. It was cool.. And also I screamed I Love You Craig a billion times and then he said once, "Sup bitch?" hahaha!!Then they played a couple more songs which included some stuff from Sparkle and Fade and World Of Noise, they left..like always! And then they came back with So Much For the Afterglow! Then they said "ok who wants to come up and dance with us?" as he picked out people I begged him to pick me out..he didn't of course though...After he got back onstage he picked out another girl and said,"Yeah and let that girl with the colored hair and the everclear shirt on, she seems cool and is pretty cute"!!!! ahh! hehe. Well then when I got onstage I stood right between Art and Craig! Then I walked back to Greg and had a mini conversation with him! I told him that I loved him and that I'm their biggest fan..yada yada yada... and he smiled and talked to me for a bit.I kissed Craig's hand hehe. At the end Craig fell right on top of me, I help him up, by myself and he was prety heavy! He made me pull his arm up..hehe, then I kissed Craig's shoulder and then hugged him and told him. Then I walked over to Art and I hugged him and said that i loved him and I started to cry and he kissed me on my lips(ahh!) and then hugged me..I left then and got a drink at the bar..Then I got right back in my spot as they sang The Boys Are Back and then Sin City! After they played it, they came out to the front, introduced the extra band members, and as that was happening Craig played the drums like a beast! Hehe...then Brian took the sticks and threw one at me..I didnt get it, it landed in front of me and the bouncer gave to some other chick. Then I asked Brian for another one and he mouthed(cuz I couldn't hear) I thought you already got one? Then I said no someone took it from me, then he gave me the one I have now. My ride , Anna , told me to get a VIP pass, because her and her daughter Sara got one. but I didnt know where to get them so I finally got one, and then got into the VIP lounge..about 2 minutes later, they kicked out almost everyone cuz we were all younger then 21...and so then a couple of us were able to get to where the buses were. It was restricted..Anyways. Then the 10 of us(the only people who actually got back there) waited for Everclear to come out..It took about 15 minutes but I met the drummer from Citizen King. Then Brian came out..he talked to me a bit, then I told him about my obsession and stuff and I got a hug...then I Art came out...I started to cry again!! Then I told him to read that notebook I gave him and he said he would. Then I told him that he meant a lot to me and stuff. and he gave me the autograph and stuff. I told him to email me and stuff too. Then I got a nice big hug from him, and he then walked over to my friend Sara. I heard them talking and stuff. and she said she was 14 and i said I was too....then he said ,"I have a 7 year old kid and she's much smaller then you!" or something like that.. he likes to talk about Annabella a lot, which I think is nice. Then I saw Craig and he came over to me..I told him to wear my bracelet and that I loved him and stuff. He hugged me and I told him to read the book I wrote to them. He said he would! I got his autograph and hugged him too. Then as Art left, he saw me crying and he said, " Are you ok sweetie?" I told him I was although I wasnt! Davey then stopped by.. I asked him if he remembered me from the concert last week in DC and he said, "Yeah..Wait that was last week??" And I said that he rocked and that in the book I wrote to Everclear saying that he rocked cuz he does. hehe. I gave him one of my black bracelets and I told him he better wear it! Then I gave him a great big hug too. hehe. Then Brian came back over and I asked him about Greg and then I got another hug, and an autograph. He also autographed my drumstick. He said my Kiss dog tag was cool and I said yeah I saw them. And he said,"Oh well you know that we're gonna be in that new Kiss movie" and i then I talked to him about it and how I saw Kiss and stuff..and he said Well that new movie is more about my generation. and I said "yeah I know! I like Led Zeppelin a lot too and they were from your generation"...and we talked about them for a bit too...hehe. I gave him a black bracelet too. Then Greg came out! hehe I got this big hug from he ..he said" ah I think you broke my neck" hehe and then I told him about how much i loved him and stuff..yada yada yada, I kissed him on the cheek, leaving a lip gloss mark. I talked to him the longest, I got 3 hugs from him too. Then I got an autograph that the drawing on it I have no clue what it is!! And I asked him about what his favorite thing is, like how Art likes Sunflowers and stuff..cuz I am getting them presents at the next show..he said he likes surfing. Then I bothered him some more, about his email address and stuff and that he better read that book I gave them!..hehe. As he was walking back into the club I hugged him again and he said "I hope my wife doesn't get jealous" and hehe it was soo cute! then I let him go back to the club, and we left! THAT CONCERT KICKED ALL ASSES! EVERCLEAR KICKS ALL ASSES! hehe kick ass;)

Here's the stuff I got at the concert!

Pictures:(not of Everclear)

D note roadie
The notebook I gave them
Waiting in line
