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Sacred Empire of Solaris
Welcome to the Sacred Empire of Solaris, the place of supreme happiness. Solaris is more of a military country, that is why it is so powerful and advanced in technology. The Special Forces of the Sacred Empire of Solaris, SeeD, will provide military aid for anyone who wishes our services.
All assistance in establishing Solaris is appreciated, so please sign up today.AND REMEMBER, YOU ONLY START OUT WITH 3,000 GIL.

My ICQ number is...63665286

This is a Map of Solaris, Please click on any link to go virtually anywhere in The Empire Of Solaris!~Drizzt, Architect of Solaris


View Solaris with frames!!!Solaris with Frames

If you need battle stats, go here Battle System

Go here for a map of all cities Sim Graveyard

Go here to buy chocobo's!!!!Chocobo Stables

Football League

Military Status List

Solaris Military

Balamb Garden

Elly's Bar

Jugend Military Academy

Solaris Military Medals

Solaris Emperial Prison

Solaris International Bank

Join Solaris

Solaris Herald-Official newspaper of Solaris

The Solaris Buisness Records

Solaris Battle Stats

Solaris Hospital

Solaris Foreign Relations

Solaris Travel Agency

The High Council Of the SIM

The World Mission Map Atlas

Solaris War Room

Click here to visit the Message Board: Solaris Message Board


Items Shop

Materia Store

Weapons Store

Armor Store



Theo's Store

Drizzt's Store



E-mail the Emperor for more information, or the form doesn't work.Emperor Nicholas
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