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Totally True Useless Facts
401 - 500
  1. Fish can also get seasick. Scientists were able to make goldfish seasick by creating artificial waves in a glass bowl.
  2. When a whale wants to change its line of sight, it must move its whole body because its eyeballs are fixed.
  3. Some sharks have a bad attitude even before they're born. While examining a pregnant sand tiger shark, scientist Stewart Springer was bitten by its embryo.
  4. While trying to improve the telegraph, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
  5. Smart as he was, Freud couldn't read a railway timetable.
  6. Isaac Newton dropped out of school because his mother wanted him to be a successful farmer.
  7. Vincent van Gogh didn't cut off his ear--not all of it anyway. He only cut a portion of the lobe.
  8. Eskimos do not and did not live in igloos. Generally an igloo is an emergency shelter.
  9. If you get hurt in the wild, you should clean your wounds with urine. When it leaves your body, your urine is sterile. You can't say the same for water in the wild, or your saliva.
  10. Horses don't pull wagons with all four legs. Their real pulling power comes from their hind legs. The main purpose of a horse's front legs is to keep it up.
  11. A cricket's chirps can tell you the temperature. Just count the number of chirps it makes in fourteen seconds and add 40. The result is a good approximation for the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. Depending on the species of cricket you will have to add or subtract one or two seconds to the chirp count.
  12. Though bigger than any other animal's, an elephant's ears don't help it hear better. Elephants have poor hearing.
  13. Fish can't blink. They don't have eyelids.
  14. Penguins don't always live in cold climates. Though they can be found in the South Pole, they can also be found on the equator.
  15. The electric eel, which lives in Brazil and the Guianas, can release a shock of up to 650 volts. The force, which is used to immobilize prey, is strong enough to stun an adult human.
  16. Inflammable is not the opposite of flammable. Both words mean "easily set on fire." Nonflammable means "not burnable." The prefix "in" caused many people to think that inflammable meant "will not burn," a potentially deadly misunderstanding. To prevent this confusion, warning labels switched to the word flammable instead.
  17. About 3000 years ago, most Egyptians died by the time they were 30.
  18. Owls are the only birds who can see the color blue.
  19. A jellyfish is 95 percent water.
  20. Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.
  21. Fortune cookies were actually invented in America, in 1918, by Charles Jung.
  22. A giraffe can clean its ears with its 21-inch tongue.
  23. A toothpick is the object most often choked on by Americans.
  24. The opposite sides of a dice cube always add up to seven.
  25. The correct response to the Irish greeting, "Top of the morning to you," is "and the rest of the day to yourself."
  26. The oldest whiskey distillery in the world is in Ireland and started distilling in 1657.
  27. Whiskey in Ireland is spelled with an 'e' before the 'y.' Scottish Whisky (or Scotch) is spelled without the 'e.'
  28. A full seven percent of the entire Irish barley crop goes to the production of Guinness beer.
  29. Four people played Darth Vader: David Prowse was the body, James Earl Jones the voice, Sebastian Shaw the face and a fourth person did the breathing.
  30. Robert E. Lee, of the Confederate Army, remains the only person, to date, to have graduated from the West Point military academy without a single demerit.
  31. 'HAL' the misbehaving computer in '2001: A Space Odyssey' was purposefully chosen: Each letter is exactly one backward from the letters 'I' 'B' 'M' (Arthur C. Clarke swears HAL was not a bastardization of IBM).
  32. The average human body contains enough: Sulphur to kill all fleas on an average dog, Carbon to make 900 pencils, Water to fill a ten gallon tank, Potassium to fire a toy cannon, Fat to make 7 bars of soap, Phosphorus to make 2,200 match heads.
  33. The human eye is so sensitive that, in perfect darkness, it can see a lit match 50 miles away.
  34. The only rocks in the ice of Antarctica are meteorites.
  35. Lightning strikes the Earth about 6,000 times per minute.
  36. Like humans, cats and dogs are either right or left handed (pawed).
  37. Bulls are colourblind and will charge the matador's cape whatever colour it is. It's the motion which sets them off.
  38. A coat hanger is 44 inches long if straightened.
  39. The word 'byte' is a contraction of 'by eight.'
  40. The word 'pixel' is a contraction of either 'picture cell' or 'picture element'.
  41. The first hard drive available for the Apple ][ had a capacity of 5 megabytes.
  42. Lucille Ball was deathly afraid of birds. When her father died when she was very young a bird flew into the house and her family couldn't get rid of it for two days. Someone gave her the idea that the bird was actually Death in disguise. She couldn't even look at pictures of birds for the rest of her life.
  43. The average ear of corn has eight hundred kernels arranged in sixteen rows.
  44. The first Ford cars had Dodge engines.
  45. Chrysler built B-29's that bombed Japan, Mitsubishi built Zeros that tried to shoot them down. Both companies now build cars in a joint plant call Diamond Star.
  46. On the new hundred-dollar bill the time on the clock tower of Independence Hall is 4:10.
  47. All 50 states are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the $5 bill.
  48. The symbol on the "hash" key (#) is called an octothorpe.
  49. The dot over the letter 'i' is called a tittle.
  50. Duddley DoRight's horse's name was "Horse".
  51. The famous horse "Man-O-War" was undefeated for 50 races until his streak was broken by the last horse on the ticket in a race where his odds were 13:1. The horse's name was "Upset."
  52. Only humans and horses have hymens.
  53. In the last 4000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.
  54. Cat's urine glows under a blacklight.
  55. Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds, while dogs only have about ten.
  56. A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.
  57. Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.
  58. The muzzle of a lion is like a fingerprint - no two lions have the same pattern of whiskers.
  59. The first word spoken by an ape in the movie Planet of the Apes was "Smile".
  60. In Mel Brooks' 'Silent Movie,' mime Marcel Marceau is the only person who has a speaking role.
  61. The number of the trash compactors in "Star Wars" is 3263827.
  62. In the movie "The Right Stuff" there is a scene where a government recruiter for the Mercury astronaut program (played by Jeff Goldblum) is in a bar at Muroc Dry Lake, California. His partner suggests ChuckYeager as a good astronaut candidate. Jeff proceeds to badmouth Yeager claiming they need someone who went to college. During the conversation the real Chuck Yeager is playing a bartender who is standing behind the recruiters eavesdropping. General Yeager is listed low in the movie credits as 'Fred.'
  63. There are 22 stars surrounding the mountain on the Paramount Pictures logo.
  64. Deborah Winger did the voice of E.T.
  65. Alfred Hitchcock didn't have a belly button. It was eliminated when he was sewn up after surgery.
  66. Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain was born on a day in 1835 when Haley's Comet came into veiw. When he died in 1910, Haley's Comet came into view again.
  67. Ethernet is a registered trademark of Xerox, Unix is a registered trademark of AT&T.
  68. Charlie Brown's father was a barber.
  69. Of the six men who made up the Three Stooges, three of them were real brothers (Moe, Curly and Shemp).
  70. Ohio is listed as the 17th state in the U.S., but technically it is number 47. Until August 7, 1953, congress forgot to vote on a resolution to admit Ohio to the Union.
  71. Only 1/3 of the people that can twitch their ears can twitch only one at a time.
  72. Ingrown toenails are hereditary.
  73. Spot, Data's cat on "Star Trek: The Next Generation," was played by six different cats.
  74. The Mongol emperor Genghis Khan's original name was Temujin.
  75. Geller and Huchra have made three-dimensional maps of the distribution of galaxies. In each layer of the map some galaxies are grouped together in such a way that they resemble a human being.
  76. Telly Savalas and Louis Armstrong died on their birthdays.
  77. In 1969, the last Corvair was painted gold.
  78. The real name of the "I've fallen and I can't get up" lady is Edith Fore.
  79. One hour of bright light exposure at night shifts the brain's sleep clock forward by about 10 minutes.
  80. Bob Dylan's real name is Robert Zimmerman.
  81. Lenny Kravitz's mother played the part of "Helen" on "The Jeffersons."
  82. Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave.
  83. There is a seven letter word in the English language that contains ten words without rearranging any of its letters, "therein": the, there, he, in, rein, her, here, here, ere, therein, herein.
  84. Canola oil is actually rapeseed oil but the name was changed in Canada for marketing reasons. (Thanks!)
  85. When the University of Nebraska Cornhuskers play football at home, the stadium becomes the state's third largest city.
  86. John Larroquette of "Night Court" and "The John Larroquette Show" was the narrator of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre."
  87. A pig's penis is shaped like a corkscrew.
  88. A dragonfly has a lifespan of 24 hours.
  89. A quarter has 119 grooves around the edge.
  90. The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets.
  91. Maine is the toothpick capital of the world.
  92. The A&W of root beer fame stands for Allen and Wright.
  93. Bingo is the name of the dog on the Cracker Jack box.
  94. Lake Nicaragua boasts the only fresh-water sharks in the entire world.
  95. Charles de Gaulle's final words were, "It hurts."
  96. There are four cars and ten lightposts on the back of a ten-dollar bill.
  97. ABBA got their name by taking the first letter from each of their first names (Agnetha, Bjorn, Benny, Annifrid).
  98. What five digit number, when multiplied by the number 4, is the same number with the digits in reverse order? 21978; 21978 x 4 = 87912.
  99. It was illegal to sell ET dolls in France because there is a law against selling dolls without human faces.
  100. In the 1983 film "JAWS 3D" the shark blows up. Some of the shark guts were the stuffed ET dolls being sold at the time.

1 - 100, 101 - 200, 201 - 300, 301 - 400, 401 - 500, 501 - 600, 601 - 700, 701 - 800, 801 - 900, 901 - 1000, 1001 - 1100, 1101 - current
I do not claim that all of these are actually true, but I have weeded out some of the obvious ones.
If you have any more for me, or if you find a repeat, typo, or blatant fallacy in the above, please e-me about it.
Corrected TTUFs

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