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There are lots of ways you can share your Wilkins information with others. You can submit Wilkins family trees, old Wilkins photos, Wilkins cemetery records, Wilkins biographies, etc.


We cannot verify the accuracy of the information submitted by others that is posted on this site.

Anything you submit to this site is posted free of charge and is available to everyone free of charge. Everything posted is owned by the submitter. If you sent it in, it belongs to you.

Don't send in personal information on living persons.

Note from Marilee: Jan. 15, 2006 Please let me know when your email address changes or if there are any other updates. Thanks in advance for your patience. I try to update the site at least once a month (more often if I can). The past few months I have not been able to update as much as I would like to. I am sorry about that.

Email me or fill out the proper form for the following:

To report broken links and/or problems with this site:

Add your name to our list of Wilkins Researchers:
Fill out a form and you will get a separate web page for your Wilkins info which is linked back to our listing of Researchers. I can also post photos for you and an almost unlimited amount of notes.

Update your Wilkins Researcher personal page
Are you already in our listing of Wilkins researchers and need to update your email address or other information you have already submitted? Fill out this form.

Do you have a web site with Wilkins genealogical Info?
Fill out this form and I will add a link to your Wilkins web site on our links page.

19th Century Wilkins Photos -
All photos should have been taken before 1930. Email me the photos as a jpeg and I will put them on the web site. Wilkins Online Photo Album . Please include as much information as you can regarding the date of the photo, birth and death dates and any biographical data you may have for the Wilkins individual.

Wilkins Gravestones & Cemeteries -
Send me photos of Wilkins gravestones from before 1930 and any information on Wilkins cemeteries. Please include the location - county, state (and country if not in the USA). The photos should be saved as a jpeg. Thanks.

Wilkins in the U.S. Civil War -
I am looking for photos, stories, letters, and histories of Wilkins who served in the U.S. Civil War. Send these to me in an email and I will post them on the site.

Wilkins Place Names
Do you know of a place (city, street, or geological area) with the name Wilkins that is not listed on our page of Wilkins Names on the Map? I would also like to know the particular Wilkins individual the place is named after. Thanks.

Wilkins Biographies & Outline Descendant Trees
This is a new area of the web site, still under construction. If you have a biography of your Wilkins ancestor or a descendant tree that you would like to have posted on this site, fill out this form. Include references for your information. DO NOT SUBMIT PERSONAL INFORMATION ON LIVING PERSONS.

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