Points List

Last updated: March 16, 2003

This is not a completely current points list but it's as close as we're going to get for the time being. The numbers below are a fair representation of where you stand as far as points go, but they are not at all perfect. Here they are:

As long as you sign the attendance and have paid your $10 dues, you should be on this list. If you're not, then come see one of the board members before or after one of our meetings.

Now that convention is over, it doesn't matter about these points. The points have started over for next year already. Keep going to Kiwanis meetings, Sarah's House, and all of the events--they count for next year!


  • Beam, Kristin / 104 / 0 / yes
  • Beard, Jeanna / 538 / 0 / yes
  • Berlinger, Jennifer / 135 / 1 / yes
  • Bruce, Jessica / 55 / 0 / yes
  • Caparrotta, Kitty / 161 / 5 / yes
  • Clark, Brad / 40 / 0 / yes
  • Cloud, Christina / 224 / 3 / yes
  • Cloud, Tiffani / 277 / 4 / yes
  • Dang, Lan / 70 / 0 / yes
  • Gifford, Sarah / 64 / 0 / yes
  • Heddinger, Nick / 69 / 4 / yes
  • Heger, Nicole / 57 / 0 / yes
  • Jones, Tracy / 91 / 0 / yes
  • Koenig, Jacci / 77 / 0 / no
  • Lebland, Dawn / 76 / 0 / yes
  • Logan, Tracie / 233 / 0 / yes
  • Plazza, Jessica / 98 / 0 / yes
  • Saad, Adam / 81 / 0 / yes
  • Samad, Nermeen / 51 / 0 / yes
  • Sechler, Kelly / 120 / 1 / yes
  • Smith, Kelly / 92 / 2 / yes
  • Sturm, Michelle / 83 / 0 / no
  • Tucker, Stephanie / 46 / 0 / yes
  • Wells, Jasmine / 44 / 0 / yes

    I once again remind you that these point totals are not final and will be updated every week.

    Those of you who have no paid your dues, please do so ASAP!!!

    If you still want to raise your point total in order to go to convention, here are some suggestions. Remember that we will only be able to take general members to convention, not including current and future board members.

  • Make sure that you sign the attendance sheet at every meeting.
  • At every event you attend, find the chair person and sign in when you get there and sign out when you leave.
  • Do all fundraising. It's an easy way to earn points.
  • Make sure you go to three Kiwanis meetings - We really can't stress this enough. If you go to three Kiwanis meetings you will have an excellent chance of going to convention because you will get top priority over those who haven't gone to three.

    If you still have issues with the points list after reading all that, don't blame me. It's probably either Alex's fault or the fault of the chairperson of whatever event hasn't been added yet. If you have any questions, you can email Cat or Alex.