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Station77k Oakland, MD. station is a beautiful building dating to 1884. It is still being used for something. Actually it looks like it has been fixed up. Oakland is a nice little town. I am standing at the fense that separates the fairgrounds from the tracks. There is food in the area and a public restroom. Trouble is ya need a stool to look over the fense and the train traffic is light.
Hawks Nest.JPG 92k New C44-9AC units run light through town. I understand CSX tests new units out in helper service before giving them a full work load. Smart move. These units are heading west into the coal fields of WV.
Hawks Nest.JPG 96k A little farther yet. We arrived in the area Sunday Jan. 6, 2002. We expressly went because they were expecting snow. We got it too, about 8 inches. No problem driving or getting around. We visited several state parks. These photos will eventually be on the travel page when I get time.
Hawks Nest 70k A train. This is the only full train we saw. All did not go well with this photo. We had some fog on the polarizing lense and I shot a little too late. I wanted more of the station. But, I did get an FURX unit on the head end and another lease unit as the last power unit.

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Last Update: 01/10/2002