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Hawks Nest 86k Hawks Nest, WV. We are at Hawks Nest State Park in WV. We get a nice view of the New River Gorge from here. The park is located in south, central WV. Not much there but a lodge and a view.
Hawks Nest.JPG 93k Hawks Nest The train is crossing a portion of the river. The cables and such are for a cable car that actually goes down to a lodge on the river. That's the only way down. Too bad it ruins the view.
Hawks Nest 88k Thurmond, WV. This is the access to historic Thurmond. It is also part of the park. There is a car bridge on the right wide enough for one car only. We are crossing the New River. The town is accessed from the west but is on the east side of the river.
Hawks Nest.JPG 81k Thurmond Station from track side. The National Park Service has put in a nice museum covering the history of the area and the railroad.
Hawks Nest 90k Thurmond, WV. This is what we have been waiting to see. I hadn't been in town 5 minutes when this guy showed up headed south. A coal drag as you might guess. We were there two hours and this was the only train. Not the busiest sub I have visited.
Hawks Nest.JPG 55k Coaling tower Ya don't see many of these around now'a days.
Hawks Nest 83k Thurmond, WV. The old town now belongs to the National Park Service. Several of the buildings have no roofs. The town actually houses residents up on the hill to the right.
Grandview 83k New River, WV. We are at Grandview which is part of the New River Gorge National River Park. It is a large park with hiking and stuff. We also get a bird's eye view of CSX. It is on the west side of the river.

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Last Update: 01/10/2002