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Maligne LK 65K Maligne Lake is in Jasper National Park about 7 miles east of the town of Jasper. Lots of great hiking here. We stayed at Bear Hill Lodge on the north edge of town. I was looking out the back window when a black bear trotted down a path I had just seen a cycler on. He ran into the woods before I could get a shot. We did see a moose at Moose Lake.
Wapta Falls 89k Elk Jasper has quite a critter population. This elk was standing around watching tourists just south of the railway bridge on Rt. 93. Jasper is a nice little town. It is only about six blocks deep. It is relatively quiet considering the tourists. Not as crowded as Banff.
Cameron Lake 68K Cameron Lake Lets take a long drive down from Jasper, through Banff, Calgary and Ft. Maclead to Waterton National Park. This park is shared with Glacier National Park in Montana, USA. We understand Cameron Lake is where the grizzly bears hangout. But as luck would have it they weren't there for this shot.
Waterton Lake 74k Upper Waterton Lake lies north-south in the park and the south end actually is in Glacier in the US. It is a 3.5 mile hike to the Canada/US border along the lake.
Bertha Falls 81K Bertha Falls is about a mile west off the trail along Upper Waterton Lake. If we continue past the falls, we end up at Bertha Lake. This isn't the hightest falls we saw but it was still worth the hike.
Cameron Falls 80k Cameron Falls is right on the edge of the Waterton Townsite. It is an easy walk or drive. The townsite boasts a movie theater and several places to eat. It was nice to walk around the village and lake in the evening.
Sheep 96K Big Horned Sheep seem to be plentiful in the town. These sheep are in the campground on the south end of town. We saw a couple the evening before at the Kilmorey Lodge where we were staying. The lodge had very comfortable, homey rooms.
Bear 73k A black bear popped out of the bushes along Red Rock Parkway as we drove up to Red Rock Canyon. He wasn't in too big of a hurry to cross the road. He ignored us until he heard the shutter flip on the camera.
Blakiston Falls 87K Blakiston Falls is located in the Red Rock Canyon. There is plenty of hiking in this area. Cycling is also permitted on some trails in this area.
Lower Waterton Lake 72k Lower Waterton Lake greets you near the entrance to the park. There are actually three lakes which are connected. North to south they are Lower, Middle and Upper Waterton Lakes. This was our parting shot leaving the park. We drove south on Rt. 6 into Montana for a visit to Glacier National Park, USA.
Baring Falls 77K Baring Falls Glacier National Park, USA. I felt kinda relieved to be back in the US. It felt like home even though we were still 1600 miles from our home. It rained most of our 3 days at Glacier. It reduced the picture taking but not the fun. We still went out hiking and driving. This was our second visit to Glacier. Several years back we visited. It was 80°F one day and snowed a foot the next. And this was the end of August! Our return drive south through Idaho into Washington was uneventful. About an hour west of Glacier the Sun came out and it warmed up nicely, figures. Nice warm, dry western weather.


Last Update: 04/21/2001
Ed Houk