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The Ohiopyle Photo Page

Ohiopyle State Park is located in Fayette County. It is on PA Rt. 381 between the PA turnpike and US Rt. 40. It encompasses over 19,000 acres with loads of outdoor activities including hiking, biking, camping, whitewater rafting and relaxing. It is a very scenic area on the Youghiogheny River. Hiking trails range from moderate to easy. If you are a railfan, CSX has a very scenic run along the river. There is also the historic Western Maryland station on the south side of the river which is now the visitor center. There is also a Youth Hostel in town. Visit my rail site for pictures.
Visit the official park website.
River Mist 66k Fall is the best time of year in the East, in my opinion, and Pennsylvania certainly is a great example of that. These photos taken were around October 17-20, 2000. This is a morning shot as the mist rises from the river. It may stay foggy on the river until noon, even on a perfect Fall day. This shot is at the Middle River Takeout just a few yards from the visitor center.
Canoe 81k Canoeing the river is a nice relaxed way to view the Fall scenery. You can put in at Confluence and float to Ohiopyle with little effort. This shot is east of the visitor center off the Youghiogheny River Trail.
Hiking trail 88k This scenic spot is also "up river" on a different day.
Hiking trail 88k This is the former Western Maryland railway bridge. It is now part of the Youghiogheny River Trail from Connellsville (to the right, west) to Confluence, Pa. It was created under the Pennsylvania Rails-to-Trails program. Nice flat trail with some great scenery. There is still some morning fog hanging around here.
Hiking trail 88k This view of kayakers is from the Western Maryland railway bridge. This area is below the main falls. More fog.
Hiking trail 96k This view of Fall colors is at the base former Western Maryland railway bridge.
Cabin.JPG 87k The trail Let's take a short walk down that trail going West. Not far down the trail we encounter this small falls, small but nice.
Falls.JPG 88k Another falls surrounded by rhododendron is just off the trail near Johnathan Run Trail. There are rhododendron all around the place. I believe they bloom in May/June.
Falls 92k This falls is off Mitchell Trail. We had to climb down into the gorg to get this shot.
Falls 92k In town Well alot of it is in town. This shot is just above the falls. You can hike the area we are viewing. It is the piece of land enclosed on three sides by the river. The river makes a horseshoe turning from an NW flow to a N flow here by looping around this point.
Falls 80k Ohiopyle Falls This is the big one. Ohiopyle is an Indian word meaning white frothy water. One can certainly see that here. I am on one of the viewing platforms.
Slide.JPG 75k The Slide is a shute where water rushes down to the Yough. This is a morning shot and we have the usual fog.
Falls 80k Cabin This was our home for several days. They call it a cabin, I call it a shed. But, it had heater, refrigerator, electricity and lights. What more could you want? The interior was about 12'x15' and the screened porch was about 9'x12'. We were glad to have it because it really rained hard our first night.
Hiking trail 88k The Bear Run Nature Reserve is just 3.5 miles up Rt 381 from Ohiopyle. There is plenty of easy to moderate hiking there too. Frank Lloyd Wright's famous Falling Waters is just across the road and worth a visit.


Last Update: 12/30/2000