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Guardian Profiles

"Hello." A tall female duck, shrouded in black robes walks towards you, carrying a wooden staff with a crystal globe on top, and a black raven perched on her arm. In a clipped, British accent, she says, "I am Venio. I am the sole Guardian of the Graveyard, and was given the task of hosting the Guardian profiles. You can join us, if you like. Go to The Guardian Membership Form to send us your info. Enjoy."
She pauses. "By the way, satisfyingly, we've had some new members arrive. I sincerely hope that you all choose to join them. We do write stories with the new members in them, and some of them are coming along quite......amusingly."

Name: Ariel Raye Tristan
Age: 18
Age of Appearance: 18
Sex: Female
Wing colour: Jet-black
Appearance: 5'6'', Med-build (even for her), her has peircing dark chocolaty brown eyes, she has a jagged scar over her left eye that she got back on Puckworld from fighting Draganus, she has my mini jet-black duck saber she wears on a gold chain around her neck (that she never takes off, and of course, her waist long raven black hair
Attire: She wears ANYTHING black. From black armour to black dresses, She'll wear anything. Her favorite black thing is her black trenchcoat.
Claim to Fame: Guardian
History: She doesn't remeber much of her history, but, all I can remember is that when she was about 16, she steped through some weird-looking portal which flung her in Duke's path...right before he had to fight Chameleon and Seige.
Identifying Features: She has a scar over her left eye from puckworld, She has a red and black flamethrower that her absolutely adores...and, of course, her pride and joy: Her jet-black Harley Davidson Motorcycle (capable of outrunning any normal Harley)
Other: She LOVES to play tricks on Nosedive, (Because She S him!),
She loves to meditiate with Grin,
She have the power to disappear,
She always practice fighting with her mentors, Mallory and Duke,
She has a Harley Davidson that can out run any NORMAL Harley
Overheard: "Run, Nosedive, before I KILL you!!!"
::'Dive burps:: "Oh, You're gonna REGRET that, Nosedive!!"

Name: The Crow
: Male
Status: Haven's only Gryphon
Age: 18
Age of Appearance: 20
Appearance: Tall, about 6'6 feet, rather muscular - kinda like Wildwing, yet more rugged and handsome. Light Blue eyes that are a peircing light in the night. Has got dark brown hair that is spiked up in a handsome way, and a mustache. Has a black beak with a white outline.
Attire: Wears anything black, with a crow or raven outlined in whitish silver. Has knee length combat boots.
Wing Color:
Identifying Features: Scar going through his left eye. Tattoo on his chest of a fire raven.
History: He fell into the haven a little bit after his kid sister Hayami did. They basically have the same history, except when Crow fell in, he landed on top of Hayami as she was kissing her b/f Nightwing, and he ends up sitting on her back with her beak pressed into the floor.
Other: Has the power to rust metal in an instant like a gryphon and can tell if people are lying. Has the power of healing but his "Kryptinite" (His weakness), is his little sister being hurt.
Overheard: Crow: "I am what you call a bird of the night!"
Hayami: "Yeah, then how come you got a nice tan on you legs bro?"
"NightWing you hurt Hayami and your bike will be nothing but a pile of rusted dust."
Claim to Fame: Haven's Own Gryphon
Email: roseflow123678@

Name: Hayami
: Female
Age: 16
Age of Appearance: 18
Appearance: Long, rough, yet shimmery blue and green hair that kinda looks like an ocean, and blue green hazel eyes and a slim, yet muscular figure, and looooong legs which build up her 5'8'' figure.
Attire: Baggy, see-through black Egyptian female pants with jean shorts underneath. A see-through baggy sleeved black shirt with a black tube top underneath. Black biker gloves and a black bakcwards baseball cap, and black tennis shoes.
Wing Color: blue/green (like a real duck)
Identifying Features: An Unkh and a jackel head (the sign of Anubis) mixed together on her shoulder, and a small unkh looking scar on the underside of her beak.
History: She lived on Puckworld until just recently, when she ly stepped into a portal which sent her hurtling towards the Haven, sending her - literally - into Nightwing's lap. This basically started their feuding relationship, which soon grew into a loving relationship with insults and small wrestling matches.
Other: She likes Nightwing DuCaine (her BF) at times. It all depends on if he's being mean or not.
"Damn it, Nightwing, stop acting like Chameleon...oh, you ARE a Chameleon."
"WHOA. Niiiiiiiice hair."
Claim to Fame: Shifter
Email: roseflow123678@

Name: Jazzmine Wolfgang
: Female
Status: Animal Mage
Age: 16
Appearance: Jazzmine has a tall figure, about 5’9”. She has a strange aura around her at all times, and has strange dark blue eyes that have been said to mesmerize animals and men. Her hair is long, waist length, and fades from black to light blue, starting form the top. On her left hand is a large White spot that is surrounded by several dots.
Attire: She wears anything black or bark red, the only light color she wears is a long white Egyptian dress with slits up both sides all the way up to her hip.
Wing Color: Black.
Identifying Features: She has a white rose tattoo on her shoulder, in the same place that her mother Rose Wolfgang has a black one.
History: Ever since she was little, she has traveled all over the world in search of people like her. Finally she did, here in Haven. Here she found ones like her. She made friends fast, but she keeps to herself and likes to be in the dark, but on the full moon she likes to take off her black robes baring her in a long white dress that makes her look like a virgin Sacrifice. She will stand on her balcony as if waiting for her lost love to come to her.
Other: She has a love, named Cliff Sparrow Hawk, even though he is a duck. He was the last to know about Jazzmine, and When he found her they hit it of well. They truly love each other.
Overheard: Nothing. She barely even says hello.

Email: roseflowhuri@

Name: Sydni L’Strange
: Female
Age: 16
Age of Appearance: 16
Appearance: She has waist length dark hair, and is about 5’9”. She has violet eyes, and has a sly or guilty air about her.
Attire: Dark black or red, anything. She wears jean cutoffs and a black tanktop around for normal wear.
Wing Color: Gray silver.
Identifing Features: She has a black rose with barbed wire stem tattoo on her shoulder.
History: She used to be part of Duck’s gang, Second best after him. She has a locket with pics of him and her inside that he gave her. She knew Nosedive on Puckworld because they shared the same cell.
Other: In her dimension, She and Dive are a couple. She likes to meditate with Grin and practise fighting with Mallory. She doesn’t really like Wildwing and she loves to play jokes on others.
Overheard: "Nosedive and I like each other more than Friends"
Email: roseflowhuri@

Name: Sydacious L'
Age: 16
Age of Appearance: 20 Sex: Female
Appearance: She is about 5'9 and she has fairy wings that are normally out. She has long floor length dark red hair with sea green eyes. On the out side of her thighs she has red streaks on them. They are her parents .
Wing colour: Black
Attire: She wears a black leather mini skirt or a pair of raggedy black jeans. A tight tank top middriff top or a t-shirt. her robes are black with red desighns on them.
Identifying Features: She has a tatto of a sword with a red rose climbing up it on her arm and a White rose tattoo on her calf
History: When she was a little , around 12, the Saurians attacked. She was skating on a pond near her house when she saw the ships over head. She ran home, only to find her parents almost . They stayed alive long enough to tell her they loved her and to give her a wolf necklace on a leather thong that gave her the power to shift into a wolf or fox.
Claim to Fame: Shifter of the gang
Status: High Guardian
Other: She and the Nosedive of her dimension are in love and work together at all times. They eventually get married when Sydacious is 20 years old. They have a two children twins that look like their mother. The boy is called Shifiya and the is Shamra. The boy has his mothers ability to shift into a wolf and the can shift into a fox.
Overheard: "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"
"Nosedive where did you put my bottle of surge?"
Dive:"oops 'burp'"
"Get away from me you freak."
"I love you Dive"

Name: Shelly

Sex: Female

Age: 27

Age of Appearance: 27

Tckla :Sword (Somewhat like Duke's)

Wing colour: Greyish-Brown

Appearance: Shelly is tall, thin, with long dark brown hair and dark green eyes.

Clothing: She wears black leather boots, pants, and top, with a long black trench coat.

History: Shelly really doesn't have much of a history. She hasn't been here on Earth for very long, and she has no memory of her life or who she was before she was 16.

Specialised power: Shelly has the ability to make time stand still.

Reason (s) for joining Guardians: She just wanted to feel like she belonged to something special for once in her life.

Status: Guardian-in-training


Overheard: "Remember, happy endings only exist in fairytales, and fairytales don't exist."

Other: Shelly lives at the Pond with the other ducks, and she loves Hockey. She can be described as a sort of "protecor" for people like her.

Name: Venio

Sex: Female

Age: 4569

Age of Appearance: 46

Tckla: A silver staff with a small crystal ball on top.

Wing colour: Black

Appearance: Venio is tall, with long, strait chesnut hair and peircing, black eyes. She is very thin, and looks anything but muscular. In fact, she looks rather sickly, and is so pale, she looks like a ghost herself.

Clothing: Venio wears only a long black, hooded robe, much like a monk's.

History: Venio means 'I Come', and her mother, Kat-y-nia, means 'I am Here'. Kat-y-nia was a renengade Guardian, and killed so many others, that a curse was laid on her family. However, because Venio was innocent, she was given the position as the keeper of the Guardian Graveyard. This job suited her, because as long as there were Guardians to be buried, she would remain alive. This position actually worked both for and against her curse, which said she'd always be surrounded by crowds. As she was a solitary girl, she was able to remain alone, but was surrounded forever by crowds-of dead Guardians.

Specialised power: She has the ability to instantly kill anyone who disturbs the graveyard without her permission, no matter where they are.

Reason(s) for joining Guardians: Her mother was a Guardian, and she wanted to be in a place where she could remain in solitude.

Status: Master Guardian, Guardian of the Graveyard

Claim to Fame: Guardian of the Graveyard who's still sane. (Trust me, that's REALLY big!)

Overheard: "For what reason do you disturb the peace of this Graveyard?"

Other: Venio has a pet raven, and lives in a small hut at the edge of the Graveyard, which is surrounded by a huge fence. The graveyard itself is a mountian, uprooted and floating in the mists of Haven.

Name: Dougan Redhammer

AKA: Redhammer

Sex: Male

Age: unknown

Age of appearance: 50

Tckla: Double bladed battle axe

Wing colour: Black with silver tips

Appearance: Average build, 7'9'', red eyes, white hair, scar down left side of his face

Clothing: long, flowing black robe with silver arcane symbols etched all over it

History: Unknown

Specialised power: When anger flares within this one unknown things are known to happen-but they are not always good.

Reason(s) for joining Guardians: unknown

Status: Guardian


Claim to fame: The last time he became angry, he destroyed his home world (Yes, there are ducks on planets other than Puckworld!)

Overheard: "Do not mess with the forces that bind this world together, for there are always concequences."

Name: Salya Blade

AKA: Saya, Laya, Alya

Sex: Female

Age: 22

Age of appearance: 15

Tckla: Sword like Duke's, standard puckblaster

Wing colour: Tan/Peach with a little black

Mask: emerald green with topaz eyes

Appearance: 5'9'', mid-build, mix of emerald and blue(eyes), has a tatto of the Puckworld resistance and a rose with a sword on her ankle

Clothing: Everyday: blue shorts and a camoflauge tanktop

Fighting armour: like Mallory's and Nosedive's combined, but in Emerald green/Topaz blue

History: Genetic cross (Saurian, duck, human, and Gargoyle) made to be the perfect soldier for the army of Puckworld. She came to Earth by , and knows little about her past.

Specialised power: Telepathy, shapeshifting, making things appear out of nowhere(she likes to use that when she plays pranks), and walking through walls

Status: Guardian-in-training


Overheard: "Opps? Sorry, but I forgot that you can't walk through walls."

Name: Drea

Sex: Female

Age: 15

Appearance: A young 5'7''. Dark blue eyes, short black hair, and freckles.

Clothing: Several different fighting outfits but normally wears an outfit similar to Mallory's except it has long sleeves and has jean shorts. Has thigh high pink platform boots to go with the pink and blue outfit. A crown forms when she transforms and it has a

History: The backup goalie for the Mighty Ducks, that's how she found out about Dragaunus and such.

Specialised power: Was a theif, but now has that crown which gives her more strength and also has a small hand held digital video game thing called Art. It helps her reprogram things and electrocute people, which is grrreat for pulling pranks. She is a sort of tech expert.

Status: Guardian-in-training


Overheard: "I ammm a princess!"

"What, me? I did nothing, it was him!"

"My chopped off my hair!" (This is how her hair got WAS nkle length until DUKE 'accidently' cut it off!)

Other: Her faves are Nosedive and Duke

Name: Alexis

AKA: Regina Kain James

Sex: Female

Age: 100

Age of appearance: 14

Tckla: powers,anything,sabre

Wing colour: white


build: normal muscular woman


eye colour: copper brown

Hair colour:brown

Clothing: royal blue t-shirt saying regina rules, black flares, red hat on backwards, black tennis shoes, silver necklace with charm hidden in shirt, personal cd player at all times even when in bed

History: when she first met Dragaunus they instantly became freinds. She did whatever he said cheerfully,and most of the she acomplished her work. She loves saurians. She has a twin brother named Kain.they'rein seperatable! He wears red and black all the time, and they're the same height.

Specialised power: psycic, magical, she can read minds, see into the future

Status: Defender of Evil


Overheard: "Watch out below! "

"I'm going to get you for that!" Regina &SEIGE

Other: her magic powers are black magic

Name: Mallory Alexis

AKA: T.B.Reginator

Sex: Female


Age of appearance: 32

Tckla: powers; puckblaster; ice canyon; and alot of hidden talents in artillary.

Wing colour: White

Appearance: Height:6'3", eye colour:royal blue, hair color:brown

note: works alone most of the time, but will work as a team if needed to, denies medical help if hurt by a special weapon, has a i-can-take-care-of-myself-and-someone- else

Clothing: red t-shirt; black flare jeans; blue tennisshoes; backwards kane hat; two cut off gloves, one red and one black; a royal blue hairbands.

History: Nothing is known because she keeps everything to herself.

Specialised power: psycic, mental power over others[humans,nonhumans]

Status: Defender of Evil


Overheard: "Stuff an oversized Paul Write [the big show] in it."

Other: likes:Fozzy, jon bon jovi, tacos, cheeseburgers, pizza, Kane[wrestler]

dislikes:brittanyspears, backstreetboys, n-stink

Name: Mistay Shelby Drakewing

Nicknames: Genius, Joker

Age: 18

Race: Duck, Puckworldian strain

Feathers: peach

Hair: chestnut

Eyes: ultramarine

Uniform: Tight, short white lab coat, black platform sandals and blue glasses like Tanya's

Weapons: An omnitool like Tanya's, only with blue screens as opposed to green, miniature ultramarine mask on cord, affords her no powers but what Wildwing's does.

Pet Peeves: Saurians and Phoenixes

Personality: Mistay is a genius, and makes no bones about the fact. She is a great friend however, and a really great ally. Now, if she'd just stop distracting our guys...

Likes: Computers, blue and cute guys

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