Angel(us) and Spike Fiction
Remember Me Series
- Meningoencephalitis (PG)
- Spike loses his memory and has to rely on the Scooby gang to help him. Spoilers for 'Intervention'.
- Helping the Helpless (PG)
- Angel spends his first night with the new Spike.
- Interlude (PG)
- Angel has the inevitable confrontation with Wesley, Gunn and Cordelia about his new roommate.
- Indemnity (PG-13)
- The ground rules have to be set. Meanwhile, Angel notices a little (ahem) problem whenever Spike is around.
- Adjusting (PG)
- Spike becomes more accepted.
Singular Stories
- Catch My Fall (R)
- During Lover's Walk Spike decides to use the love spell on Angel as a way of exacting revenge. Warning: MAJOR spoilers for this episode. Includes mild references to torture and non-consensual sex.
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