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Attachment Parenting
Resources On The Internet

Disclaimer: The inclusion of any site does not imply complete endorsement by me of all the contents on any site.

General AP Information Sites

Ask Dr. Sears
Wears The Baby
Parenting Web
Natural Instincts
Kidz are People Too
Attachment Parenting-Motherstuff
The Natural Family Site

Breastfeeding Resources That Support AP

La Leche League International
Kellymom: Breastfeeding and Parenting
The Official Page of Breastfeeding Propaganda
Breastfeeding and Attachment Parenting Instinctively
Breastfeeding and AP Twins This is a really neat site!
Breastfeeding Multiples The mom who wrote this breastfed her triplets following an AP approach.

Articles About Co-Sleeping

Bed Sharing With Unimpaired Parents Is Not an Important Risk for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (Part 1)
Bed Sharing With Unimpaired Parents Is Not an Important Risk for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (Part 2)
Pediatrics--Drago and Dannenberg
Does Bed Sharing Affect the Risk of SIDS?

Articles Which Support Letting Babies Learn How to Sleep On Their Own (I provided this list because some families with AP tendencies do not want to co-sleep.)

The No Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley
Changing the Sleep Pattern in the Family Bed
My one year old toddler wants to nurse a lot at night and I'm feeling extremely stressed out from lack of sleep. How can I get him to stop nursing at night?
Kellymom: Parenting: Nighttime & Sleep
Night Weaning: 12 Alternatives For The All-Night Nurser
Getting Babies and Toddlers to Sleep
The Ultimate Guide to Your Baby's Sleep
Establishing Healthy Sleep Habits