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SSU Amnesty International
International Federation of Women's Lawyers - Kenya Branch

UA 270/00

Fear for Safety

The Kenyan branch of the International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) which had been helping an alleged rape victim bring charges against a Minister of State in the Office of the President, has faced an attempted break-in by police. They have also received anonymous death threats. These followed the killing of a priest who was a witness in this case and Amnesty International fears that the lawyers may also be in grave danger.

One of the people instrumental in bringing this case to public attention, Father John Kaiser, a Catholic priest and an outspoken advocate for human rights in Kenya, was murdered on 24 August. Amnesty International believes that his killing may have been politically motivated and has sought assurances that the investigation into his death is thorough, independent and impartial. Since Father Kaiser's death the girl allegedly raped by the Minister of State has dropped the charges against him.

The day after Father Kaiser was murdered, five armed police officers tried to force their way into the FIDA office in Nairobi, but were kept out by the security guards at the gates.

Over the last two weeks three FIDA staff have received anonymous calls from someone who threatens to kill them because of their work.

This attempt at forced entry is part of a pattern of arrests, harassment and intimidation of human rights organizations by the Kenyan authorities. Amnesty International has repeatedly raised these concerns with the authorities.

Please send telegrams/faxes/express/airmail letters:

  • condemning the attempt by police to force their way into the FIDA offices on 25 August, and their attempt to intimidate FIDA staff;
  • urging the authorities to conduct a thorough, impartial and prompt investigation into this police misconduct, and the telephone death threats received by FIDA staff, and to ensure that those responsible are brought to justice;
  • seeking assurances that human rights activists in Kenya will be protected from violence, threats and intimidation.

    Philemon Abong'o
    Commissioner of Police
    Police HQ
    PO Box 30083

    Telegrams: Police Commissioner Abong'o, Nairobi, Kenya
    Faxes: 011 254 2 330 495
    Salutation: Dear Commissioner

    President Daniel arap Moi
    Office of the President
    PO Box 30501

    Telegrams: President Moi, Nairobi, Kenya
    Telex: 963 22003 FOREIGN ROB; 963 22796 FOREIGN RB
    Faxes: 011 254 2 337 340 (if no tone, please try later)
    Salutation: Your Excellency

    Mr Amos Wako
    Attorney General
    PO Box 40112

    Telegrams: Attorney General Wako, Nairobi, Kenya
    Faxes: 011 254 2 315 105
    Salutation: Dear Attorney General


    International Federation of Women Lawyers - Kenya branch (FIDA)
    PO Box 46324
    Nairobi, Kenya

    Faxes: 011 254 2 716840

    Hon. Yusuf A. Nzibo
    Embassy of the Republic of Kenya
    2249 R St. NW
    Washington DC 20008

    PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY. Check with the Colorado office between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm, Mountain Time, weekdays only, October 19, 2000.

    A.I. is an independent worldwide movement working for the international protection of human rights. It seeks the release of people detained because of their beliefs, color, sex, ethnic origin, language or religious creed, provided they have not used nor advocated violence. These are termed prisoners of conscience. It works for fair and prompt trials for all political prisoners and works on behalf of such people detained without charge or trial. It opposes the death penalty, extra-judicial executions (political killings), 'disappearances' and torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment of all prisoners without reservation.Please do not repost the information below to any part of the Internet without prior permission from Amnesty International. Thank you for your help with this appeal.

    Please read the monthly Urgent Action Network Newsletter posted on the web at:

    Urgent Action Program Office   P.O.Box 1270, Nederland, CO 80466-1270
    e-mail:     ph. 303 258 1170     fax: 303 258 7881
    Please do not repost the information below to any part of the Internet without prior permission from Amnesty International. The letters you write on behalf of the subject of this Urgent Action are meant solely to improve the human rights situation in this country. The most effective letters are those that are brief and written with respect for the recipient. Please do not express your own political views when writing on behalf of a subject of an Urgent Action appeal. Thank you for your help with this appeal.