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The Lanhams of Maryland and the District of Columbia

Compiled by Dr. Howard G. Lanham

The following site contains lists of primary source mentions of persons named Lanham living in the State of Maryland or the District of Columbia (once part of Maryland). It is not a genealogy as such since there are many mentions that might belong to one of several people with the same name and since many of the mentions give no clue to the relationship between the individual and other Lanhams. Please click on this link for introductory and background material.



  1. Most leases were never recorded and the genealogical information within lost forever. This particular one was because William transferred his rights under the lease to Thomas Talbott (See TT:226 of June 14, 1764). Benedict Calvert (1724-1788) was the son of Charles Calvert, Fifth Lord Baltimore, and an extensive land owner in Prince George's County.
  2. He generally appears as William B. (Benjamin) Lanham.
  3. She is the widow of Richard Lanham.
  4. Racheal Lanham, daughter of Richard Lanham married Ignatius Mitchell.
  5. Charity Lanham, daughter of Richard Lanham married Thomas Blacklock in 1738.

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