Each man must work out his own salvation. What is Islam? The prophet says-abstinence and obedience, Purity of speech and hospitality. Honor thy guest as you would your God. Submit yourself to God and be steadfast in prayer and give alms. Believe in God and keep straight on. Give food to the hungry and extend greetings to all whom you know and know not. A good man is bound to his honor like a horse to a post. Distinctive virtue of Islam is modesty. Be free from malice towards anyone. THE GREATEST ENEMIES OF GOD ARE THOSE WHO ARE ENTERED INTO ISLAM AND DO ACTS OF INFIDELITY AND WHO WITHOUT CAUSE SHED THE BLOOD OF MEN. A guest leaving should be escorted with due courtesy to the front door. Do unto all men as you would wish them to have done unto you. Keep your tongue employed in repeating the name of God. Charity is a duty unto every Muslim. He, who has no means, let him do a good act or abstain from an evil one. Speak the truth, discharge your trust, be chaste, commit not fornication, have no impure desires, without your hands from taking what is bad and unlawful. The man who ploughs waste land and plants crops on it establishes his ownership of the land. Feed the hungry and visit the sick. ASSIST ANY OPPRESSED PERSON WHETHER MUSLIM OR NON-MUSLIM. A true Muslim is thankful to God in prosperity and resigned to his will in his adversity. THAT PERSON IS MOST RESPECTABLE NEAR GOD, WHO PARDONS, WHEN HE HAS HIM IN HIS POWER, HIM WHO WOULD HAVE INJURED HIM. Waste not. Be prepared for adversities in the future. Do not trouble thy neighbor. It is unworthy to curse or abuse anyone. ASSIST YOUR BROTHER MUSLIM WHO IS AN OPPRESSOR BY FORBIDDING AND WITHHOLDING HIM FROM OPPRESSION. Kill the snake which enters your house. Be affectionate to the little ones and respect the old. The best Muslim house is that in which an orphan is benefited. A man cannot be a Muslim till his heart and tongue are soft. That person is wise and sensible who subdues his carnal desires and hopes for rewards and he is an ignorant man who follows his lustful appetites and with all this asks Gods forgiveness. A repentant sinner is as good as a pious man. The most excellent of alms is that of a man of small property which he has earned by labor, from which he gives as much as he is able. Whoso is able and fit and does not work for himself or others, God is not gracious to him. God’s kindness towards his creatures is more than a mother’s towards her baby. Do not shun your relatives. God is pure and generous and likes similar individuals. Beloved to God is freeing of slaves and hateful is divorce. Whoso does a Good deed shall have ten times more in reward. He shall not enter paradise, who has pride equal to single grain or an atom in his heart. Faith is a restraint against any violence and let no Muslim commit any violence. He who helps the poor lives in the garden of heaven. Seek knowledge from cradle to the grave. He is the most beloved of God who tries to do most good to God’s creatures. Do you love your creator; love your fellow beings first. Show mercy and do not curse. There is no feast where the poor are not invited. The best of alms is that which the right hand gives and the left hand knows not. THE MOST EXCELLENT JIHAD (HOLY WAR) IS THAT FOR THE CONQUEST OF THE SELF AND NOT ANYBODY ELSE. The love for the world is the root of all evils. It is difficult for a man laden with riches to climb the steep path that leads to bliss. Happiness does not lie in wealth but in the hearts of men. Kindness is a mark of faith. Be in the world like a passer by or traveler and reckon yourself as of the dead. As you sow so shall you reap? Whatever mishap happens to you is on account of something which your hands have done. The best of you is the one who is best at repaying Practice before you preach. He who is not thankful to man is not thankful to God. Keep yourself far from envy because it eats up and takes away good actions as fire eats up and burns wood. The strongest and most powerful is the one who masters himself when angry and not the one who throws people down. Do not cheat in weighing. Backbiting is more grievous than adultery. Meekness and modesty and are two branches of Iman and vain talking and embellishing are two branches of hypocrisy. HE IS NOT A MUSLIM WHO COMMITS ADULTERY, WHO STEALS, WHO DRINKS LIQUOR, WHO PLUNDERS OR EMBEZZLES. Beware of debt. Adultery of an eye is to look with an eye of desire on the wife of another and adultery of the tongue is to utter that which is forbidden. Beware! There is a piece of flesh in the body of man, which when good makes the whole body good and when bad, the whole body is bad and that is the heart. Happy is the man who is content with what he has. He is not of us who seduces a woman from her husband. Forbade the striking on the face and branding of animals. Be compassionate to animals. Do not harm or kill any animals. Earn your living by righteous means. Silence should be in attaining the knowledge of God. Forgive the debt of the poor debtors in part or in whole. Give the laborer his wage before his perspiration be dry.
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