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Cal Ripken Cloning Project Begins

Computer image of what the new Ripken SHOULD look like

With Cal Ripken about to retire, Jorge Julio has decided to help Mr. Ripken. Starting at the end of the season, Julio will start his project that would make a clone of Cal from the age of 20. That way we can have 20 more years of Cal Ripken. But due to cloning being illegal here in the states, Julio will be forced to flee to The United Arab Emirates, where they are much more liberal when it comes to the cloning of American baseball icons for the purpose of fun and profit. Using advanced cloning techniques known only the secret government agencies, evil organizations, and of course Jorge Julio, the cloning will take all of 2 weeks and we should have a brand new Ripken by Febtober 25! We are all looking forward to seeing the completed version of this new Cal Ripken, and we're hoping this one can live up to the sizeable standards of our current Cal Ripken. We will keep you all posted!

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