History of Ice Cream

History, Legends, & Myths of Ices and Ice Cream
History of Ice Cream Cone
Ad for Ice Cream Rivington's New-York Gazetteer;   11-25-1773
The Impact of Refrigeration
How Ice Cream Works
Currier & Ives--Cream of Love 1879
A History of Ice Cream in Philadelphia
Ice cream has a complicated but fascinating history
Ice Cream History and Folklore
Half penny ices
Jefferson's Recipe for Vanilla Ice Cream
Thomas Jefferson. Monticello
History Ice Cream
The compleat confectioner by Mary Eales. To Ice Cream

Picture from: Emy, M. L'Art de bien faire les glaces d'office ou Les vrais principes pour congeler tous les rafraichissemens .. Paris : 1768

Eliza Leslie's Ice Cream Cake recipe
Artificial Freezer - Ice cream maker 1843
Philadelphia Ice Creams

Ice Screamers, collecting ice cream parlor and soda fountain...

Past Pictures of the Month

©2006 Patricia Bixler Reber

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