Many of the Picture of the Months include links to recipes and further information. Others only have three pictures per page. A cascade of cocao beans at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival.
Previous months
Hampton National Historic Site. Stew stove
1812 Flag House. Birthday cake
Union Mills Homestead and Grist Mill. Firebacks (info)
Codd Bottle (info)
Strawbery Bank. Victory Garden (info)
Rumford Baking Powder (info)
Smithsonian Folklife Festival - Food Culture USA
Historic Cold Springs Village. Foodways weekend
What's Cooking in Delaware. display at Historical Society of Delaware
Lord Nelson. Trafalgar 200. Scurvey, lemons & limes (info)
Pieter Claesz. Dutch still life paintings of food
Christmas Plum Pudding at the Flag House
Hermann-Grima house. New Orleans
1916 Cook and some museums interpreting early 20th Century Kitchens (info)
Landis Valley Museum Winter Institute
Thomas Jefferson's Maccaroni Machine (info)
Dressing Millstones at Colvin Run Mill
Butter Making at Claude Moore Colonial Farm
Making Acorn Mush at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Cooking at Historic London Town
Cottolene (info)
Coffin making at Riversdale
Uncle Sam carving the Thanksgiving Turkey (info)
Sarbotieres & History of Ice Cream
Frost Fairs (info)
Faschtnacht making at Landis Valley Museum
Wafer making with Dr. Alice Ross
Pastry Forms from Hagger, 1719
Sausage Skins (info)
Raffald's 1st and 2nd Courses
Virginia Hams at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Baker's Peel & "A Splendid Spread" by George Cruikshank
WELCOME LAFAYETTE on 1825 tumblers
Fish trap
The First Thanksgiving
Christmas Egg Nog Party 1870 (info & recipes)
Wassail Bowls
White House kitchen history (info)
Medlars (links)
1893 Kitchen
Camp Cookery (links)
Mount Vernon icehouse (links)
The Complete Angler, 1653(links)
Mangles (links)
Chestnuting, 1870 article
Cranberry harvesting (stealing) in NJ, 1864 article
Thanksgiving Pie
Mount Vernon gingerbread house
Robert Burns birthplace kitchen
Shrove Tuesday tradition - Pancake Day (info)
Sugar from the Maple Sugar tree, 1792 booklet
Smithonian Chocolate Symposium
Artificial Freezer - Ice Cream maker 1843
Luis Meléndez: [1715-1780] Master of the Spanish Still Life
Cries of London on fore-edge painting of 1820 book
Water Pump and 1860s Dress - A Pair of Milkmaids
Open jelly with whipped cream
Wooden 'Butter Worker'
Brewing Mash Rake
Christmas Dinner 1863
Steam Bakery
Oliver Evans Mill
Steam Kitchen
Well Sweeps
Here's Milk, ho! from Cries of New York 1808
Child Labor
Wooden Butter Churns
Fish cooking in smoke over fire 1839
Old Bay
Candy Pull 1882
Hood's Good Pie c1885
Navy Christmas menu 1918