Cookbooks by Author: G-L

Garrett, Theodore. The Encyclopedia of Practical Cookery. v2,4 18__
Garrett, Theodore. The Encyclopedia of Practical Cookery. 8v 1890
Garrett, Theodore. The Encyclopedia of Practical Cookery. 8v 1891
Garrett, Theodore. The Encyclopedia of Practical Cookery. 8v 1898
Gentile, Maria. The Italian Cook Book. New York: 1919.
Gerard, John. Herball or General Historie of Plantes. [culinary gleanings]1633
Gibbons, Merle. The domestic dictionary and housekeeper's manual. London: 1842
Gibson, Marietta. Mrs. Charles H. Gibson's Maryland and Virginia cook book. Baltimore: 1894
Gillette, F.L. Mrs. Gillette's Cook Book: Fifty years... Akron: 1908
Gillette, F.L. White House Cook Book. Chicago: 1887
Gillmore, Maria McIlvaine, b. 1871. Meatless cookery. New York: c1914
Gilman, Caroline. The Lady’s Annual Register. Boston: 1838
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. London: 1758
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. London: 1763
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. London: 1765 (1769)
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. London: 1767
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. London: 1774
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. London: 1774
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. London: 1775
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. London: 1778
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. London: 1780
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. London: 1784
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. London: 1788
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. Dublin: 1791
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. London: 1796
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. Alexandria, Va.: 1805 Karen Hess reprint
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. London: 1830
Glasse, Hannah. The Complete Confectioner... London: 1800
Goodfellow, John. The dietetic value of bread. London ;1892.
Gothard, Barbara. Lessons on cookery. London: 1878
Goudiss, C. Houston. Eating vitamines. NY: 1922.
Goudiss, C. Houston. Foods that will win the war: and how to cook them, New York: [c1918]
Gouffe, Jules. The Book of Preserves. (translated from French) London: 1871
Gouffe, Jules. Le Livre de Cuisine. Paris: 1867
Gouffe, Jules. Le Livre de Pâtisserie. Paris: 1873
Gouffe, Jules. Le Livre de Soupes. Paris: 1875
Gouffe, Jules. Recettes pour préparer et conserver. Paris: 1865
Gouffe, Jules. The Royal Cookery Book (Le Livre de Cuisine). London: 1869
Gouley, John William Severin, 1832- Dining and its amenities. New York : [c1907]
Graham, Sylvester. Treatise on bread, and bread-making. Boston: 1837
Gray, Grace Viall. Every Step in Canning. 1920
Green, Francis. The Housekeeper's Book. Phila: 1837
Green, Olive. How to Cook Fish, Fish in Season... Myrtle Reed 1908
Green, Ralph. Green's Receipt Book:... for Cakes and Ice Creams. Concord, NH: 1894
Greenbaum, Florence Kreisler. The International Jewish Cook Book. 1919
Greenough, Marietta. Better meals for less money. NY: 1917
Greer, Carlotta C. School and Home Cooking. 1920
Greeley, Arthur P. The Food and Drugs Act, June 30, 1906
Gurney, Lydia Maria. Things Mother used to make. New York: 1913

Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell . Eliza Acton's Modern Cookery. Phila.: 1845
Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell . Eliza Acton's Modern Cookery. Phila.: 1858
Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell. The Good Housekeeper. Boston: 1839
Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell. The Ladies' New Book Of Cookery. New York: 1852
Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell. Modern household cookery. London: 1854
Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell. Modern Household Cookery. London: 1860
Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell. Mrs. Hale's New Cook Book. Phila: 1857
Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell. Mrs. Hale's Receipts for the million. Phila: 1857
Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell. The new household receipt-book. London: 1854
Hall, Elizabeth. Practical American Cookery and Domestic Economy. NY: 1860
Hamer, Sarah. The Dictionary of Dainty Breakfasts. London: 1899
Hammond, Elizabeth. Modern domestic cookery... containing directions for purchasing, London: 1819 3d
Haney, Jesse. The Candy-maker. 1878
Harder, Jules. The Physiology of taste. San Fran: 1885
Harland, Marion. Breakfast, Luncheon And Tea. New York, 1875
Harland, Marion. Common Sense In The Household: A Manual Of Practical Housewifery. 1874
Harland, Marion. Marion Harland's Complete Cook Book. 1906
Harland, Marion. Cookery for Beginners: A Series of Familiar Lessons for Young Housekeepers 1884
Harland, Marion. The Cottage Kitchen: A Collection of Practical and Inexpensive Receipts 1883
Harland, Marion. The Dinner Year Book. NY: c1878
Harland, Marion. Home Helps. Lincoln, Willis, Rorer, Armstrong, Harland, 1910
Harland, Marion. Home Making. Boston: 1911
Harland, Marion. Ladies' Home Cook Book: A Complete Manual of Household Duties ... bills of fare.. 1896
Harland, Marion. Mother's Cook Book: Containing Recipes for Every Day in the Week. 1902
Harland, Marion. The National Cook Book. 1896
Harper, HW. Universal recipe book. Boston: 1869
Harrison, Sarah. The House-keeper's Pocket-book. London: 1739 2nd
Harrison, Sarah. The House-keeper's Pocket-book. London: 1760 7th
Hartigan, Ellen. Every-day things; or, Useful knowledge. 2d revised. London: 1861
Hartley, Joseph. The wholesale and retail wine and spirit merchant's companion. London: 1839
Haskell, E. F. The Housekeeper's Encyclopedia of Useful Information. NY: 1861
Hazlitt, W. Carew. Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine. London: 1902
Head, Brandon. The Food of the Gods: A Popular Account of Cocoa. London: 1903
Hearn, Lafcadio. La Cuisine Creole, New Orleans: c1885
Henderson, Mary F. Practical Cooking and Dinner Giving. New York: 1876.
Henderson, William Augustus. The Housekeeper's Instructor, 12th ed London: 1805
Henderson, William Augustus. How to cook, carve and eat: or, Wholesome food 1870
Henderson, William Augustus. The Housekeeper's Instructor. London: 1809
Henderson, William. Modern Domestic Cookery. New York: 1828
Heppe, Kurt. Explanations of All Terms Used in Coockery- Cellaring…drinks ... dictionary. NYC: 1908
Herrick, Christine Terhune. Consolidated library of modern cooking... New York : 1904.
Hill, A. P. Mrs. Hill's new cook-book. NY: 1898 (1867)
Hill, Georgiana. The Breakfast Book. London: 1865
Hill, Georgiana. Everybody's Pudding Book. London: 1862
Hill, Georgiana. Foreign Desserts. London: 1862
Hill, Georgiana. The gourmet's guide to rabbit cooking. London: 1859
Hill, Georgiana. How to Cook Apples. London: 1865
Hill, Georgiana. How to cook potatoes, apples, eggs and fish. NY: 1869
Hill, Janet McKenzie. Balanced Daily Diet. 1920
Hill, Janet McKenzie. Book of Entrees: including Casserole and Planked Dishes. 1911
Hill, Janet McKenzie. Canning, preserving and jelly making. Boston: 1915
Hill, Janet McKenzie. Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes. with Miss Parloa. Baker Cho. 1909
Hill, Janet McKenzie. Cooking for Two. 1909
Hill, Janet McKenzie. Economical War-time Cook Book. NY: 1918
Hill, Janet McKenzie. Home Made Candy Recipes. Mass: W. Baker & Co., c1909.
Hill, Janet McKenzie. Igleheart's Cake Secrets, All recipes. 1919
Hill, Janet McKenzie. NYAL Cook Book. 1916
Hill, Janet McKenzie. Practical Cooking and Serving: A Complete Manual of how to Select, Prepare ... 1902
Hill, Janet McKenzie. Salads, Sandwiches and Chafing-dish Dainties: With Thirty-two Illustrations ...1899
Hiller, Elizabeth. The Corn Cook Book. NY: 1918
Hiller, Elizabeth. Fifty-two Sunday Dinners. Chicago: 1915
Hiller, Elizabeth. The Practical Cook Book. NY: 1910
Hirtzler, Victor. The Hotel St. Francis Cook Book. Chicago: [c1919]
Holbrook, M. L. Eating for strength. New York: c1888
Holland, Mary. The Complete Economical Cook. 14th ed enlarged. London: 1837
Holt, Emily. The complete housekeeper N.Y.: 1917, c1903
Holt, L. Emmett. The care and feeding of children. New York: c1904
Holt, Vincent. Why not eat Insects? London: 1885
The Home Book. London: 1829
Homespun, Priscilla. The Universal Receipt Book. Phila: 1818 2d
Hooper, Mary. Cookery for invalids, persons of delicate digestion, and for children. London: 1876
Hooper, Mary. Handbook for the breakfast table. London: 1873
Hooper, Mary. Little dinners: how to serve them with elegance and economy 1876
Horsford, Eben Norton. Report on Vienna bread.1875
Horsford, Eben Norton. Theory and art of bread-making : a new process without the use of ferment. Cambridge: 1861
Hoskins, Thomas H. What we eat...adulterations of food and drink. Boston: 1861.
Howard, Jane. Fifty Years in a Maryland Kitchen. Phila: Lippincott, 1881 4th ed.
Howard, Jane. Fifty Years in a Maryland Kitchen. reworked by Florence Brobeck. Baltimore: Norman, Remington Co. 1913
Howard, Jane. Fifty Years in a Maryland Kitchen. reworked by Florence Brobeck. NY: M. Barrows [c1944] completely revised
Howland, Esther Allen. The New England Economical Housekeeper. Cincinnati: 1845.
Huddleson, Mary. Food for the diabetic. NY: 1923
Hudson, Mrs. The New Practice of cCookery, Pastry, Baking, and Preserving. Edinburgh: 1804
Hughes, Mary Catherine. Everywomans canning book. Boston, Mass. :1918.
Hughes, William. A practical treatise on the choice and cookery of fish. London: 1854 2d
Huish, Robert. The female's friend, and general domestic adviser. London: 1837
Hunter, Alexander. Culina Famulatrix Medicinae: or, Receipts in Cookery. York: 1804
Hunter, Alexander. Culina Famulatrix Medicinae: Receipts..with a medical commetary. York: 1806 3d
Hunter, Alexander. Culina Famulatrix Medicinae: or, Receipts in modern cookery. new ed.York: 1810
Huntington, Emily, The cooking garden: a systematized course... New York : c1885
Hutton, Barbara. Monday morning, how to get through it. London: 1863

Isola, Antonia. [pseud] Simple Italian Cookery. New York: 1912

Jacobi, A. Infant diet. New York:1874
Janvrin, Mary W. Queen of the household. Detroit, Mich. :1906, [c1901]
Jarrin, William. The Italian Confectioner. London: 1827 3d
Jeaffreson, John Cordy. A book about the table, Vol 1 London: 1875
Jeaffreson, John Cordy. A book about the table, Vol 2 London: 1875
Jennings, Linda Deziah. Washington Women's Cook Book. Seattle: 1909.
Jerrold, Blanchard. The book of menus, London: 1876
Jerrold, Blanchard. The dinner bell: a gastronomic manual. London: 1878
Jewry, Mary. Warne's model cookery and housekeeping book. London: 1868
Jewry, Mary. Warne's model cookery and housekeeping book. New Ed. London: 1879
Johnson, Helen Louise, The Enterprising Housekeeper. 1898
Johnson, Helen Louise. The Enterprising Housekeeper: Suggestions for Breakfast, Luncheon and Supper. Phila: c1900.
Johnson, Mary. Madam Johnson's Present. Dublin: 1770 4th
Johnstone, Christian. The Cook and Housewife's Manual... by Margaret Dods. Edinburgh: 1828 3d
Johnstone, Christian. Margaret Dod's The Cook's and Housewife's Manual. 8th revised ed. Edinburgh: 1847
Joncourt, Marie de. Wholesome cookery. London: 1882
Jones, Lucy. Puddings & Sweets, 365 receipts. London: 1877
Jullien, Andre. The Wine merchant's companion and butler's manual. trans from french. London: 1825

Kander, Simon, Mrs. The Settlement Cook Book. Milwaukee: 1901
Kellogg, John. Household Manual of Domestic Hygiene, Foods and Drinks. Battle Creek, Mich: 1875
Kellogg, E. E. Science In The Kitchen. Chicago: 1893
Keen, Adelaide. With A Saucepan Over The Sea.... Foreign Countries, Boston: 1902.
Keoleian, Ardashes Hagop. The Oriental Cook Book, New York: 1913.
Kephart, Horace. Camp Cookery NY: 1910
Kettilby, Mary. A Collection of above three hundred receipts... 1734 5th ed
Kidder, Ed. Receipts of Pastry and Cookery for the use of his scholars, 17--
Kinne, Helen. Foods and household management: a textbook. NY: 1916
Kirkland, Elizabeth. Six little cooks, or, Aunt Jane's cooking class 1877
Kirmess Cook-book. Boston: 1887
Kirwan, Andrew. Host and guest: a book about dinners, wines, and desserts. (history, essays) London: 1864
Kitchiner, William. Apicius Redivivus: or, The Cook's Oracle. London: 1817
Kitchiner, William. The Cook's Oracle. Boston: 1822 an appendix by American pubs, marketing tables...
Kitchiner, William. The Cook's Oracle. London: 1822 4th ed. new receipts
Kitchiner, William. The Cook's Oracle. London: 1829
Kitchiner, William. The Cook's Oracle. New York: 1830
Kitchiner, William. The Cook's Oracle. Edinburgh: 1836 new ed
Kitchiner, William. The Cook's Oracle. Edinburgh: 1845
Knapp, Arthur W. Cocoa and Chocolate: Their History from Plantation to Consumer. London: 1920
Knight, SG. Tit-bits: or, How to prepare a nice dish at a moderate expense. Boston: 1864

La Chapelle, Vincent. The Modern Cook. Vol. 1. London: 1733
La Chapelle, Vincent. The Modern Cook. Vol. 2. London: 1733
La Chapelle, Vincent. The Modern Cook. Vol. 3. London: 1733
La Chapelle, Vincent. Le Cuisinier Moderne 1742 [The modern cook 1733]
La Varenne, Francois. Le Cuisinier Francois 1680
La Varenne, Francois. Le vrai cuisinier françois. 1721
Lambert, Edward. The Art of Confectionary. London: 1761
Lansdown, Lillian B. How to Prepare and Serve a Meal and Interior Decoration. 1922
Lea, Elizabeth Ellicott. Domestic Cookery. Baltimore: Cushings and Bailey, 1859 (1851) Hathi
Lea, Elizabeth Ellicott. Domestic Cookery. Baltimore: Cushings and Bailey, 1859 (1851) Google Books
Lea, Elizabeth Ellicott. Domestic Cookery. Baltimore: Cushings and Bailey, 1869 (1851) FeedingAm
Lee, N.K.M. The Cook's Own Book. Boston: 1832
Leslie, Eliza. Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches. Philadelphia: 1840
Leslie, Eliza. Domestic French Cookery. Phila: 1836
Leslie, Eliza. The Lady's Receipt-Book. Philadelphia: 1847
Leslie, Eliza. Miss Leslie's Complete Cookery. Directions for Cookery 1858
Leslie, Eliza. Miss Leslie's Lady's House-book; a Manual of Domestic Economy. Phila: 1850
Leslie, Eliza. Miss Leslie's New Cookery Book. Phila: 1857
Leslie, Eliza. New Receipts for Cooking 1854
Leslie, Eliza. Seventy-five receipts for pastry, cakes, and sweetmeats. (1st ed. no appendix; handwritten recipes) Boston: 1828
Leslie, Eliza. Seventy-five receipts for pastry, cakes, and sweetmeats. (3rd ed. 20 appendix) Boston: 1830
Leslie, Eliza. Seventy-five Receipts for pastry cakes, and sweetmeats... Philadelphia: 1832
Leslie, Eliza. Seventy-five receipts for pastry, cakes, and sweetmeats. (9th ed. 40 additional) Boston: 1836
Lewis, Henry L. B. New and cheap art of bread-making: the rich man's guide, the poor man's friend...unfermented bread. New York: 1847
Liger, Louis. Le menage de la ville et des champs... Bruxelles: 1712
Lincoln, Mary Carving and Serving. 1906
Lincoln, Mary. Frozen Dainties, Fifty Choice Receipts. Nashua: 1899
Lincoln, Mary. Boston school kitchen text-book. Boston: 1891
Lincoln, Mary. Home Helps. Lincoln, Willis, Rorer, Armstrong, Harland, 1910
Lincoln, Mary. Mrs. Lincoln's Boston Cook Book. Boston: 1884
Lincoln, Mary. The Peerless Cook Book. 1901
Lincoln, Mary. The school kitchen textbook. Boston: 1917
Loftus, William. The Brewer: a Familiar Treatise on the Art of Brewing. London: 1863.
Lombez. Nouvelle cuisiniere bourgeoise Paris: 1842
Luck, Mrs. Brian. The Belgian Cook-book, 1915

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