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undefined Niki Barr

Southern Maryland Music OnlineĀ®:
Online interview with Niki Barr
January 27, 2004

Contact: Niki Barr

Check out the interview and hear what Niki Barr had say!

SMMO: Describe your music to someone who has never heard your music before.

Niki: The music is rock/pop. Think the rock of Joan Jett, with lots of pop hooks and a high energy show. It's a party everywhere we go!

SMMO: What's better, stage or studio?

Niki: Stage! Don't get me wrong, there is much magic to be made in the studio, but the true passion shines as soon as I set foot on the stage. Since a child, I've always loved the stage. I loved live theatre and dancing, etc. I love to see the faces of my audience and what they might be thinking. I can't get that reaction from music on a CD. Many times, I'll watch someone walk away with my CD at a show and have no idea what they really think about the music on the CD or how it affected them. In a live setting, I know. And, there's really no other way to truely win an audience, than for them to see what YOU, as the artist, want your music to be and how you want to present it. The stage is better on so many levels.

SMMO: Are Southern Maryland venues supportive of local bands?

Niki: They must have your own website! We play Harbor Sounds in Solomon's Island about once and month and we always have a great time there. The audience is there for the music and the artist's music. It's great to not be asked to play "Sweet Home Alabama" from the local drunk at the other end of the bar who is only paying attention to what's on CNN sports. At Harbor Sounds everyone is always dancing and singing along to my songs. Thanks!

SMMO: What is your secret method of providing the best show possible for the audience?

Niki: Occasionally, when the audience is real tough, we like to dress in Monkey suits with buttless chaps.

SMMO: Does the band have a CD available, how can we get a copy?

Niki: Yes. It's titled, "The Other Side of Me". You can get it from my site at or at any of our shows. Currently, I am working on the completion of my next album.

SMMO: Would you ever consider not playing music?

Niki: You know that craving you get for something sweet late at night? You look around the house, trying to think of what you have that might fix the craving. There, amongst the shadows is a Lil' Debbie cake. Perfect! That's what music is like for me. I know if I were to quit playing music today, I'd constantly be craving it. Who wants to live their life without Debbie cakes?

SMMO: What does your talent mean to you?

Niki: I am truely grateful for the passion and talent for music. Many times, people have a passion or are a die-hard fan, but might be lacking the talent.When someone has both, it's something to be very thankful for. People ask me, "Have you had a lot of training?" My answer is usually, "I took guitar lessons for about a year and then voice lessons for a year, aswell." To most people, that doesn't seem like much. So, then I say, "But I've also been touring, writing and recording for about 6 years and I've seen more of the world and met more people in this business than many other 20 year olds." Every day is another lesson for me. You see, I just happen to have the talent for music, but I persue it just like a person with the talent for pediactrics or animal care (except I don't have to clean up dog poo). My talent is only the beginning of the things I will do with my career and what I will learn from my experiences.

Well, there you have it folks!
Be sure to look for Niki Barr at local music
venues near you... and go see them!
Dont forget to visit Niki's website:

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