





!! NEW FORUM FOR 2007 !!
"Audience & Musician Reviews
of So. Md. Live Music Venues"
Click on the button below to enter the forum and tell us your opinions of, and experiences at, live music venues in the Southern Maryland area. We want to now what you liked and disliked.

Southern Maryland Live Music
Events Calendar
Are you looking for new live music entertainment experiences?
Do you want to try new live music venues in Southern Maryland?
Give the Southern Maryland Live Music Events Calendar a try. It's the best online resource in Southern Maryland to find out where your favorite bands are playing, or
to see what NEW bands are performing in your
Click on the button below to enter the events calendar.
Use this password to post events: smmo
No Registration Required!

Tell everyone why you like SMMO.net
"Southern Maryland Music Online" greatly appreciates your interest in this website devoted to the Southern Maryland music scene and YOU. Please, be sure to sign the SMMO guestbook, by clicking on the link below, and tell everyone why you like "Southern Maryland Music Online". Your show of support here keeps SMMO up and running!

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Click Here To Advertise With SMMO
Just $10.00 Per Month!
Can you find a better deal?
Nope, because it's not possible!

Local Music MP3 Previews
Here's a new gig we have booked at the SMMO.net venue!
SMMO has decided to go full bore with the local music preview section, now that most of us have a really, really fast internet server, we feel we can offer this on the main page. We are gonna rotate the playlist as often as possible to bring you the hottest plays by area groups.
If you want to get your material loaded up for few rotations, shoot us an email and we'll get you plugged in!
Current Audio File:
Artist: The Silverado Band
Location: Port Tobacco, Maryland
Song Title: Your Love And Her Place - ©
Genre: Rock

Please help spread the word about SMMO.net to your audiences. We would greatly appreciate your efforts in printing out a few of our ad flyers to pass out at local venues in the Southern Maryland area, Thanks!
(Click on button below for flyer)

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Visitors Since November 1, 2003
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