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Concurrent Workshop Sessions

(in English, except where noted otherwise)

Session I: 1:10-2:00 pm
Young Scholars Forum - Part I
  • Sarah Bunin Benor: Yiddish influences on Jewish English: 1920-2002
  • Cecile Kuznitz:  Building a Crown for Yiddish Culture in Interwar Eastern Europe: The Founding of the YIVO Institute
  • Cariad O'Brian:  Seymour Rexite and Yiddish Radio
  • Eric Goldman: Yiddish Cinema: A Celebration of Jewish Life
  • Samuel Kasow:  Jewish Vilna Between the two World Wars (Yiddish)
  • Samuel Norich:  Newspapers, Magazines, and Other Yiddish Publications (Yiddish)
  • Shelby Shapiro:  For Lena and Libe, Readers and Americanization in a Yiddish Women's Magazine
  • Max Tickman:  Yiddish Writing in the Soviet Union in the 20's and 30's
Session II: 2:10 - 3:00 pm
Young Scholars Forum - Part II
  • Fradle Pomerantz Freidenreich:  The Golden Age of Yiddish Education in America, Part I (English and Yiddish)
  • Eric Goldman:  The Yiddish Cinema of Jewish Life
  • Emanuel Goldsmith:  The Great Poet, H. Leirick (Yiddish)
  • Samuel Norich:  Newspapers, Magazines, and Other Yiddish Publications
  • Herman Taube:  Yiddish Culture in Warsaw and Lodz Between the World Wars (Yiddish)
Coffee Break:  3:00 - 3:20 pm
Session III: 3:20 - 4:20 pm
  • Fradle Pomerantz Freidenreich: The Golden Age of Yiddish Education in America, Part II (English and Yiddish)
  • Samuel Kassow:  Jewish Vilna Between the Two World Wars
  • Shelby Shapiro:  For Lena and Libe: Readers and Americanization in a Yiddish Woman's Magazine
  • Herman Taube:  Yiddish Culture in Warsaw and Lodz Between the World Wars (Yiddish)
  • Max Ticktin:  Yiddish writing in the Soviet Union in the 20's and 30's
Gala Concert: 4:15 pm
The Old World Folk Band of Harrisburg, PA

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