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Choosing SID Names

"konopam"  wrote in message news:eHaa8.3$ei.116@client...
> I was wondering if anyone could give me some ideas on different sid names --
> to this point we are using 8i but our users only want 4 letter names. I have
> used test, play and live -- does anyone have any other decent 4 letter sid 
> names that I could use?
> Appreciate any help

From: "Howard J. Rogers" 
Subject: Re: DB Names
Date: 12. february 2002 19:42

DB01, DB02, DB03 spring to mind for formal occasions.

When in ego-boost mode, I tend to use HJR1, HJR2, HJR3.

When in a bad mood, I sometimes use DAM1, SOD2, OFF3.

When slightly inebriated, KS83, LKQ8 and SO02.


Conversion to MSSQL

"Joe Sath"  wrote in message
> My boss is asking me to evaluate the stability of sql server to see whether
> it is stable enough so that we can convert to sql server to save some money.
> It is said that sql server 2000 is very compatible to oracle.
> What is your guys opinion?

From: "Niall Litchfiel" 
Subject: Re: should we converting to sql server?
Date: 10. apríla 2002 12:40

My opinion , for what its worth, is that you would need to revisit all your
application code, retrain your key database staff  including programmers (or
sack them and buy some new ones who don't know your business but do know
MSSQL), migrate all your data, change your backup and recovery
implementation and redocument all of your db processes. NB this isn't an
Oracle fanatic speaking, you would need to do this moving the other way
as well.

for example consider the following statements.

update emp set sal = 1.1*sal where empno = 10;
insert into emp_audit(empno,change_made) values (10,'rasied salary 10 pct');

easy enough to understand and behave differently between the platforms. On
MSSQL this could give you a salary raise with NO audit trail. This
(undesirable effect) would never happen in the original Oracle system.

I am not convinced (to say the least) that the reduced licence costs
outweigh the costs shown above. What you *could* do is train the appropriate
staff and your db processes as outlined above for NEW projects. This is not
an unreasonable approach (though it may not actually save any cash).

Changing database platforms can be appropriate for a number of reasons
- saving money on software is unlikely to be one of them.

Niall Litchfield
Oracle DBA
Audit Commission UK

Importing Tablespace File

On Sat, 06 Apr 2002 19:25:45 GMT, "larry"  wrote:
>I have been trying to find a way to import a tablespace file into a
>different (same version - 8i) oracle installation.
>I understand the correct way would be to export it from the first
>installation and import it into the second.  Unfortunately the first
>installation is quite dead and all I have is the *.dbf tablespace files.
>Any suggestions/solutions? TIA and much appreciated.

From: "Sybrand Bakker" 
Subject: Re: importing tablespace file
Date: 6. apríla 2002 22:59

The conventional method would be to export all the objects in the 
In 8i you have transportable tablespaces, and you can plug the
tablespace into a different database.
However both scenarios assume a live, operational database.
You state all you have are the .dbf files.
That would mean you have 2 options
- if you have enough money in your pockets you can hire someone from
OTS who brings in Data UnLoader.
- the other option would be just throw away the dbf files as you can
do absolutely nothing with them.

It seems this is the traditional case of people reading the backup and
recovery documentation *after* disaster has struck.


Sybrand Bakker, Senior Oracle DBA

Object Oriented Databases

From: "Nuno Souto" 
Subject: Re: Object Oriented Databases?
Date: 20. marca 2002 11:14

Ryan Gaffuri doodled thusly:

>Oracle has added object oriented features. Is anyone using them? 


>I dont know anyone who is.

until now.

> Just wondering if you find them productive?

for what I'm using them for, I find them darn useful.  Productive?
Too early to say.  I find it bloody annoying I can't ALTER a type.

Nuno Souto 
