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Week Before Surgery May 17th, 1999


To prepare for my surgery on May 24th I have been donating analagous blood units. Dr. Erikson, my orthapedic surgeon, asked me to donate 4 units. By donating my own blood for surgery I can assure that I will recieve healthy blood that is not contaminated. I gave my first unit in March when I came back to Colorado during spring break. That unit is frozen. I had a moderate reaction when I gave my first unit. I heard a ringing in my ear and started to get tunnel vision. I almost passed out. My past donations have been much better. Instead of drawing 450ccs the medical technologists have been drawing 405ccs of blood. The 405ccs are still considered a full unit of blood but it is a little less so that I don't have a bad reaction.


A week ago I had my last check-up with Dr. Erikson. We went over the surgery to make sure that I understand everything. I had to take my last bending X-rays so that Dr. Erikson can decide where to put the hardware during surgery. Before May 24th I have to decide if I want Dr. Erikson to make one long incision down my back that will allow him to get to the bone in my hip or to make one incision down my back and another short one on my hip. I'm not sure which option is better... One long scar or two shorter ones?


I am having my surgery done at the Children's Hospital in Denver. They are really nice there! They have done everything possible to make sure that I understand the surgery and to make sure that I am familiar with the hospital. I have decided not to participate in the Pre-Op because I was present at my brother's. At the Pre-Op you visit with your doctor, the anastesiologist, and other medical personnel. They tell you about the surgery and what to expect when you get out (like all the tubes and IV's you will have). I am going to go on the hospital tour. The tour will show me a typical surgery room, the Intensive Care Unit, and a recovery room.


To get myself ready for surgery I am preparing some music tapes to listen too. I want to have a walkmen with me in ICU (Intensive Care Unit)to block out all the noise from the machines. I'm just making tapes of my favorite music and grouping the songs by mood. I am going to have a relaxing tape with my favorite classical and new age music that will help me sleep and a more energetic tape that will invigorate me during my recovery and physical therapy. I am also starting to prepare my room for when I come home from the hospital. I cleaned it and rearranged my room so that I will beable to watch TV from my bed when I come home. In the weeks before surgery I am doing all the active stuff I can... like riding my bike, walking my dogs, and playing outdoors. It will be a long time after my surgery before I can do those things again.