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Melanie's Realm

Hello and welcome to Melanie's Realm. Take a look around, I hope you'll enjoy your stay here! I have just started remodeling my website (project began on November 5, 2004) after about five years of neglect, so bear with me. I will be deleting lots of out date content and adding much about my current interests. Please note: On most of my writing pieces I have used my maiden name "Melanie Goodwin". I'll be updating them to "Melanie Clulow" as I continue my project to improve my webpage's image.

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The Dimensions of My Realm Their Contents Revealed. . . .
My High School Poetry
Here you will find relics of my high school years, which this site was founded to display.
My Short Stories
Here are links to several different short stories by me. Please take the time to read through. I hope you enjoy them!
My Favorite Quotes
Here are many of my favorite quotes!
Links to My Friends' Webpages
Here are links to my friends' great webpages. Make sure to take a look! You'll find many different and interesting things!
Webrings I Belong To
Here are the webrings I belong to. Check them out!
Christmas 2000 Photo Album
Here are pictures of Kris and I's first Christmas together with his family!

Spirit Wind by Erin Rohdes

Please sign my guestbook, as I'd love to hear from you! Also, if you'd like to contact me, feel free to e-mail me at

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