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Find The Islands in Terengganu

Pulau Perhentian
Pulau Redang
Pulau Kapas
Lang Tengah, Bidong & Tenggol

Pulau Kapas

A quaint little escape is Pulau Kapas. Tucked within breezy coconut groves, traditional huts adorn selected stretches of the spotless beach. Leisurely splashing and snorkelling around with a playful but shy variety of fishes are pleasant and undemanding pursuits. Play spot the turtles and pay your silent underwater tribute to the colours of the sea shells besides wind-surfing, kayaking and boating.

Previously a well-guarded secret amongst members of the diving community, Kapas has now become more accessible with the building of the Primula Kapas Island Resort.

The natural sea-bound paradise that is Kapas is only 6 km or a 30-minute boat ride away from Marang.

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