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Hmmm..geez, I'm still at it!! And there's no one to stop me! can't keep me away! LOL!! Welcome to my little place on the web. I've been around for almost 4 years now (Patting myself on the back) and it has been a wonderful experience. I have enjoyed making new friends, such as Dilli and Kat, (You know who you are..**grin**) and so many others who has been around just as long as I have.

For those who has surfed around my pages I hope y'all enjoyed yourselves. There's always something new brewing around here. I just added "The PJ's" to my list of links. There are over 1,600 pics to view and lots more to come. Then there's my Xena Site. If you're a fan then that's the place to visit. Hey, how about joining my webring?!? Its so much fun. Think about it. Setting up websites is easy but alot of hard work. You can spend hours staring at your screen going cross-eyed but it's alot of fun. Try it. Ah..forget to mention, I now have a computer but still use my webtv as much. I'll never forget my webtv friends.

My my my!! This place really needs to be cleaned up. While I type my fingers to the bone please enjoy what I have and come back to check on the final results. Believe me, I'm working hard at making this place look presentable. Now y'all sit back with your keyboards and enjoy the sites. And please don't forget to sign my Guestbook!! Thanks and enjoy my (ME!) little world on the web!!

ME's Little World!


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I'm also and Web~A~Holic!


Hey!! I was a Sony Classic Webtv user!

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Home / PJ's / Xena / X-Files / Star Trek / News
Awards / Friends / My Webring / Html Help
WebRings I Have Joined

In Loving Memory.

Last time I fooled around with these pages was on:
January 16, 2001
Section Updated: My X-Files Land
I would like to give thanks to all those sites linked to all my pages. Without them I could not have one myself!

M y Fa vo ri te L in ks

This website is not associated with WebTV Networks or Microsoft and is not affliated with any of the other advertisements displayed on this site. This link was generated purposely for ME's enjoyment. If a site was linked to these pages in error please send an e-mail to ME and it will be removed promptly. Thank you.


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