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My WebTv Friends

A Special Place for My WebTv Friends!
If you have some time visit their sites!
These sites are so KEWL!!

Dilli Files - Please visit his site! It's so cool!!

And what a fine world it is!
Go see Kathy's site!

Lasher Html Help Pg

My Fellow New Yorker!
Great Site with Music and a Html Help section too!

Joe's World is another kewl place!

She has some fab free gifs!

A site full of dreams. Nice!

You gotta check out her cheesy section! LOL!

C O D E S. O F. M A G I C
The World Of HardLove & Company
Visit The World Of Hardlove. Home Of The "Take Me" Button

You can hear his links yelling *Take Me! Take Me!*

His banner tells all!

Jess stuff!

Take a peek! Its so kewl!

The Right Side of the Issue

E-Mail Me!

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WebRings I Have Joined

Last Updated 6-20-99

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