Summer Of Fool IV : The Empress
Samantha McCullah
Season of Fools IV: The Empress
by Samantha McCullah
THE EMPRESS -- a person willing to follow the path of harmony through
"Home, sweet home," Spike muttered as the man called The Whistler
backed over the Sunnydale sign and sped back the way they'd come.
Spike checked the sky and knew by instinct that the sunrise was a
fair amount of time off; with a low sigh, he headed in the direction
of the school library and hopefully a person who knew what was going
on. He neared the high school and was surprised at the amount of destruction
he saw, starting well away from the school and getting worse the closer
her got.
"Okay, I'm missing something," he muttered as he reached the school, or
rather the burned out shell of the school.
"My stake through your heart?" came a cheery reply from behind him; he
turned quickly and came nose to nose with the Slayer. "Hiya, Spike," she
"Slayer," he nodded in greeting and turned back to the school. "Someone
destroyed your precious school," he commented.
"Yeah, we did. It was fun," she replied, stepping up next to him.
"_We_ did? What did you do, pet?"
"The Mayor got all demon-y on us, so we blew up the school," she replied
almost bouncing in place.
"Not that I'm complaining, mind you, but you haven't staked me yet.
And you're bouncing. Why are you bouncing?" he asked.
"Let's see, Mayor's dead, Faith's dead, I actually graduated. Why
shouldn't I be bouncing?" she replied.
"Busy day," Spike sighed.
"Why are you here, Spike? I thought you went back to Dru."
"I did; I left. Wasn't the same," he shrugged. "And I don't
know why I'm here," he stated honestly.
"'Kay, just stay out of my way, don't kill anyone, and I won't kill ya!"
the Slayer called out as she turned and walked back up the street. Spike
watched her for a heartbeat or two.
"She is the strangest girl," he muttered. Suddenly, the voice that had
recently disappeared returned. <Follow her,> it urged, once again
beginning a mantra. Spike sighed again then called out, "Slayer!
Wait!" The voice once again began to quiet. "This is going to get
annoying," he growled as the Slayer turned to face him with her
hands on her hips.
"Look, Spike, I'm letting you go. That means you _don't_ follow me
around like a loyal little puppy," she stated.
"Truce, Slayer," he ground out against his better instincts; her
eyes narrowed.
"Why?" she asked, suspicion heavy in her voice.
"'Cause I'm bored, and we work so well together," he replied.
She crossed her arms and cocked an eyebrow. "And I need to talk
to your Watcher," he finally added.
"Fine, but you touch any of my friends, and you and Mr. Pointy
become intimate, got it?"
"Got it, pet," he replied, and she stalked off into the night.
Spike hurried after her before the voice could return.
More to come...
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