The Looking Glass (Part 9)


Chapter 9

Anne Winters had definitely not been expecting it.

She had been sitting in the kitchen waiting and trying to get some work
done. She was waiting for the annual arrival of the vortex and with it,
Madeline’s reports on the development of the world in Dimension B. As
caretaker of the link between Dimensions A and B, Anne had to make sure
that no paradoxes arose, that could mean certain doom.

Anne was the caretaker of 1 of 3 links. There was a link in California,
in Toronto and in Bermuda, they formed a triangle of sorts. The
caretaker of the Californian vortex was Faith who had been slayer along
side her after Kendra had died. She had also managed to make it to
retirement and the two girls had been chosen to be in charge of the
links. What else do you do with kid who has watched hundred of people
die and killed hundreds of others indirectly?

So Buffy the Vampire Slayer had been sent through the vortex to Dimension
A where the year was 1998 instead of 2018. She had changed her name
because Buffy Summers was a name people would recognize. The funny thing
about Dimension A was that every TV show book, movie and play was actual
reality in Dimension B. In Dimension A Buffy Could watch herself at
seventeen go through everything she had already survived. The Dimensions
were always twenty years ahead of the previous dimension or so she had
been told and she assumed that in Dimension C the year was 2038. She
didn’t really care about the other Dimensions she wouldn’t get in trouble
if something went wrong with the links between other Dimensions.

The caretaker at the other end of the link, n Dimension B, was a woman by
the name of Madeline. Buffy had only met her a few times directly and
hoped she wouldn’t have to meet her again. Madeline had a way of making
you feel as if you had just given away you most deepest darkest secrets
just by saying hello to her. Her job in the other Dimension was Psych
Ops at a clandestine anti-terrorism group called Section One. Anne
didn’t personally like Madeline but she did get the job done and that was
really all that mattered.

The vortex only appeared once a year and Madeline would send an ‘not
quite valuable’ operative with the report for Anne. Anne would then
whisk the operative back into the vortex to prevent the Operative from
catching a glimpse of the future and creating a paradox. The operative
was ‘canceled’ when he arrived back at section. Anne tried not to think
about it. In return for the reports she was sent, Anne would provide
sketchy info on certain valuable operatives that she picked up from the
section related television show in this dimension called “La Femme
Nikita”. Anne never forgot to tape an episode of the show, she was
actually quite fond of it. Nikita reminded her of herself when she was
younger. Of course she never forgot to tape an episode of “Buffy the
Vampire Slayer” either.

So Anne Winters was sitting quietly in her apartment on a cold October
night, waiting to hear the unnatural wind that signaled the arrival. She
was a kick boxing teacher during the day and she had just begun an
evaluation of one of her students when she heard the chiming of the wind
chimes she had purposely placed in her living room. She went and stood
in the doorway, knowing how unsafe it was to enter the proximity until
the winds ad died done. The arrival of the vortex could be somewhat
violent at times.

The vortex appeared almost out of no where. Anne stared in horror. Not

The vortex thrived on the energy of human beings and when Madeline sent a
messenger through, they were conditioned to open their mind completely to
the vortex. The vortex would only take enough energy to sustain itself.
When this happened, the vortex was a yellowish color

If the person entering the vortex was not conditioned, the vortex would
mentally summon the person and take more energy than needed. This was
painful and had happened before. Madeline had a guard posted usually
when the link occurred so something must have happened. The energy in
the vortex turned it red.

At the moment, the vortex was bright red. The person must have put up
some kind of a mental fight.

Anne’s horror grew as she watched the figure take shape. This was very,
very bad. The person who fell out of the vortex was definitely familiar.
Anne saw her every week. It was Nikita, main character of La Femme
Nikita and where she was there was bound to be...

Yep, there was Michael. He came out of the vortex next and right behind
him was...

Oh dear lord.

She was looking at herself.

The ultimate paradox.

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