Kyla pulled herself through the water. It felt wonderful to be in the ocean. It was so refreshing. It also made her forget about what was troubling her. Camille had been getting calls from a man, She never told Kyla who they were from and this made her worry for her friends safety. Something caught her eye as she moved through the water. She noticed it was a shark and began to scream. She began to swim as quick as she could to shore. “SHARK” she screamed at the top of her lungs as she kicked and tried to get closer to shore. Suddenly she felt two powerful hands grab her and pull her into the shore. She had thought it was the shark that had gotten her and was screaming hystarically. When she relized she was in someones arms on the beach, she looked up and met a steady gaze of Nick Carter. “Oh gosh” she said.
“Are you okay?” He said a little concerned for the girl.
“Uh Huh fine” she nodded as he put her to her feet.
“You have to be careful out there and remember don’t freak out when you see a shark you won’t be able to get away then.” He said.
“You must have had many incounters with them then” Kyla replied.
“No I read that somewhere” He said.
“Oh well... uh.. T-thank y-you” she replied as she began to shiver.
“The evening is cool tonight you should hurry and go get your towel.” Nick said as he picked up his bag.
Kyla relized that he had ran swam out to get her in his jeans and said “You must be uncomfortable in those jeans”
“No Not really. I will be fine.” Nick said as he slung his backpack over his shoulder. Kyla walked with him to her towel and bag. She wrapped the towel around her like a dress and picked up her bag.
“Nick, I really want to thank you for getting me out of that situation.” She said kindly.
“You would have done the same.” He said with a shrug.
“No I would be too frightened.” She said.
“I doubt that” He replied.
“Where are you off too?” Kyla asked changing the subject.
“Home I guess. There is really nothing else to do.” Nick replied as he began to walk away.
“Do you need a ride?” Kyla called after him. He turned and studied her.
“Sure why not?” He said as he walked over to the tiny green convertable.
“So where do you live?” Kyla asked him as she started the car.
“Just up the road about 10 minutes.” Nick replied as he bucked his seat belt.
“Okay. Do you often come swiming down here?” she asked trying to make a conversation.
“No often but sometimes in the evening when it is cool out I like to come here for a swim.” He said.
“Do you often save young girls lives?” Kyla said with a laugh.
“Not usually” Nick said joining in the laughter.
Kyla smiled as they drove along the road. “So which house is yours?” She asked.
“That one.” Nick said pointing out a brick residence. Kyla pulled into the driveway and smiled.
“So here we are Nick and thank you!” Kyla said.
“Kyla I was wondering. Can I see you again? So we can talk?” Nick asked as he climbed out of the car.
“Yeah sure.” Kyla said as she rummaged through her purse founding a recipt and a pen. Quickly she scribled her cell number and home number on the back and handed it to him. “Call me” she said as she shifted into reverse and backed out of the drive way.
She drove through the streets towards home. Kylas thoughts were scambled. Thinking off her near death experience and mostly of all thinking of her hero. She jumped when her cell phone rang. She looked at the number that it read. It was her home number. “Hi Camille” She answered.
“Where are you? You left no note I have been worried sick!” Camilles light voice scolded.
“I was swimming. I will talk to you when I get home! I am 5 minutes away bye Camille.” Kyla said as she hung up the phone.