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Fiction Addiction

 I admit it. I'm a fan of TG fiction. Even though I am sorely disappointed in the quality of most of it, I keep reading it. I keep hoping I will find something worthwhile. At least I learned to stop paying for it. The writing on the web is no worse than that found in those little pink books sold at outrageous prices to the TG public. And occasionally, it's better.

Hands down, the best fiction I've found is being written by Ellen Hayes. Her 'Tuck" stories are first class. Read her stories here. I'd suggest you read the original serial first, it will let you appreciate the 'siding' that much more.

The best repository for fiction that I've found is It has a comprehensive subject index, movie style content ratings (PG,R,X) and summary lines, so that you know what you're getting into before you download it. Now if they would only run everything through a spell checker...

After reading story after story with the same general plot, I thought "I could do that." Here's my attempt at a TG story for the ages. Enjoy.

I have a new guilty secret - "VIP". For those of you who have not yet had the pleasure, it's a really cheezy TV show starring Pamela Anderson Lee as "Valerie Irons", the head of Valerie Irons Protection (V.I.P.), a bodyguard agency. They recently had a "Star for a Day" sweepstakes, which put all sorts of crazy fantasies in my head. I'm planning on writing a script for my appearance on the show... stay tuned.

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